Snake Infestation

uumm what state do you live in??

I am still getting used to NH wild life (stayed away from snakes growing up in CA as most were poisonous)... but do worry that one can take my little girls.

Today at Tractor Supply I bought an organic/natural plant based snake repellent by Biocide (?) anyone have any experience with this? It is granulars and has cedar oil as a main active ingredient, which is harmful to chicks or is that in shaving form only?
Chillin with my Peeps- I am sorry to hear you lost some birds. My theroy is that I had plenty of mice at one time to keep the snakes happy. The 2 hens I originally had at one time produced 2 eggs every other day or so. That went down to one every other day and slowly kept decreasing. (I am new to all of this) I realize now that my hens were most likely having their eggs stollen in the night. I feel the snakes have over populated and the 2 hens could not keep up with their appetite. That is when the snakes killed them both. In the past 2 weeks i have seen at lease 7 different snakes. 3 of which were corn and the other all rat snakes of various sizes. I was relocating them but after witnessing the last one constrict my new young barred rock almost to her death I exterminate them for now. I have a small bantam mixed rooster that I adore. He follows me where ever I go and sits next to me where ever I sit. I raised him from a chick and I would be devestated if anything bad happened to him. I am in FL and am use to seeing snakes and at one time was happy to have them around my barn to control the rodents.
Ambrosia76- THanks for the netting idea. I will most definitely implement that. I was up quite late last nite checking on my coupe periodically. I am happy to report that all was well this am.
THanks for all of the support!!
The bird netting works like a charm. I got that idea from a friend who had a snake problem.
My coop is low to the ground and snakes were under it...I stuffed netting in the six or eight inch gap and caught a few.
They poke their heads into the squares, and get caught...they can't back out again.
I've even caught one that became entrapped in some I had in storage.
I think it would even work if stuffed in the eaves...and would still allow air exchange.

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