snake just ate my chicken

Our souther copperheads get up to 3 feet but the offical record is 52 inches.

This guy got this one in the next town over, said to be 6 foot but did not keep the snake as proof, even at that it looks pretty big in the photo I would say mabe 4 foot.

This snake is nowhere near 4 ft. but anyways all you guys talking about killing the snakes I hope your coops and houses get over ran with rats!!!
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I am with Wild works, I know so many say ohh all living creatures and they are just doing whats natural for them and I so understand and appreciate every ones Rights to keep opossums, snakes coons, and fox etc .. fed if they want to .. But I did not invest so much money in coops wire and an on going Feed bills that are starting to surpass my Fuel bill .. just to feed unwanted critters.. I keep 22 shells in plain site, sharp hoes and live traps set .. ( though they should name it temporarily live trap my house ) Ive recently ordered Guinea Fowl and heard they are pretty good at keeping back snakes too .. Luckily I haven't seen any snakes that large in my area, as I might have a heart attack before I could pull the trigger ..
I agree you shouldnt kill the snake simply catch and release further away!!
Quote: I caught one last year, took it down the road a mile and released it, it was back in two days, you let yours go, im going to make sure they dont come back!

The roo this snake was wrapped around was almost as big as my full grown bantam hens...and this snaked was little compared to other chicken snakes i have seen..,dont tell me a big chicken snake will not kill a chicken....i have seen it many times!!! Dont feel bad about killing a snake, there are plenty of them!!! This is the pistol I have been using for snakes, it works very well.

It shoots .410 shotgun shells and 45 long colts...i like it because when you are out in the yard in your underwear and boots in the middle of the night with a flashlight in one hand and a rake in the other, you dont have to aim realy well to get the job done, lol. It is also all stainless steel.
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I am with Wild works, I know so many say ohh all living creatures and they are just doing whats natural for them and I so understand and appreciate every ones Rights to keep opossums, snakes coons, and fox etc .. fed if they want to .. But I did not invest so much money in coops wire and an on going Feed bills that are starting to surpass my Fuel bill .. just to feed unwanted critters.. I keep 22 shells in plain site, sharp hoes and live traps set .. ( though they should name it temporarily live trap my house ) Ive recently ordered Guinea Fowl and heard they are pretty good at keeping back snakes too .. Luckily I haven't seen any snakes that large in my area, as I might have a heart attack before I could pull the trigger ..

We grow em big in
Ah, I searched Snake prevention on BYC forum and found that Sulfer Sulpher--- (why am I getting spell check error here?) You know that smelly yellow stuff--- will deter snakes. It is available in yard and garden centers for soil acidification and fungus control if the feed store doesn't have it. I had heard garlic, but sulpher makes good sense.

Oh duh...sulfur --- LOL a brain fade I guess
Will sulfur be ok as not to bother the chickens when they are out and about? Is that the same stuff you see at the big box hardware stores labeled "snake away" ?
Quote: Once a chicken snake had found your coop, nothing will keep him away, if you have used small enough wire and no holes anywhere, you should be fine, but you still have to meet the chicken snake on your porch on the back of your chair when you are not expecting
We have so many snakes here that I don't have time to be catching and releasing them. Most snakes in my yard will be killed unless they are a species that stays tiny. I'm sorry someone told you that snakes don't eat or kill chickens. Nothing could be further from the truth, as you have experienced.
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Not really I just hate when people kill snakes simply because they are snakes but I understand they are getting your chickens I just think it would be cool if more people believed in catch and release...the part where you said you took the one a mile up the road and it came back is because you didnt take it far enough.. but anyways SAVE THE SNAKES!!! hahaha It just sucks because snakes and all wild animals across the globe are getting wiped out because we (the human race) are destoying their habitat and they have nowhere to go but I'll quit rambling!
Dang are actually gonna wish that on someone!?! I kill the rats and mice also, so not a

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