

Apr 28, 2017
Just found bad news. Went to my temp. Quail pen this eve and found a black snake inside the cage. Ironically me and my son were talking about snakes earlier in the day.We knew black snakes would eat eggs, but weren't sure about the adult quail. We now have a definitive answer.YES, and this was a rather small 3/4' snake, no monster. My cage is off the ground 4' literally, supported on 4= 4x4 poles. It seems the devil had climbed a Mimosa tree i had left over the metal roof as shade,dropped off, and found the only 1" hole in, on, around the entire cage. He had already eaten 1 bird, and had killed another. I got it out and moved it off into the woods. i dont think a snake can climb a fresh sharp corned 4x4, 4ft tall? I know they are expert climbers, but with the dia., sharp corners, and height i dont see it happening this again, as i cut down the lil Mimosa tree.
nooo PD. dont say that... If there was an inside corner, there would be no doubt, but with it having 4 totally flat slides and being 4" diam...I would give a twenty spot to see it. im off to the cage again flashlight in hand..
No snake. but knowing a snake can stretch up off the ground with close to half his body length, and knowing (from the fact ive found them) we have some 8/10' black snakes, im off to put my birds in a temp, plastic crate inside the house tonight...Your right, better safe than sorry.

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