
I had relocated it the day before! I killed it because it ticked me off!

My coop is now snake proof and I haven't gone and killed every snake on my 5 acres!! I really want to but DH talked me out of it.
Hmmmm I diddnt know you could make a coop snake proof. I think that would be harder then making it mouse proof!!

Personally I love snakes, we had a Ball Python, but decided to find him a new home. We are concentrating on keeping animals that pay for their keep.

I also have shot a lot of snakes, though. I had to shoot three rattlesnakes last year in out yard. We couldnt even let our kids play outside they were so bad. I can also understand not keeping around snakes that are doing damage, eating eggs, etc. But I wont kill a harmless snake, we have brought small snakes into the yard before, to help keep the poisinous ones and the rodents away.

And WHAT does that huge picture of a snake with an axe in its head have to do with anything? That is gross, and I dont say that about much. Kinda rude, in my opinion.
yeah... i do understand the killing of POISONOUS snakes near or on your property.... my hunny has killed a few "mojave greens" (the most deadly rattlesnake) when i am not home.. i have a snake hook and tongs, if i am home i will catch and relocate the rattlers a few miles away.. we just have to many animals (dogs, horses, ect) that if get bitten will die... so i DO understand not wanting poisonous snakes on your property.. the first year after buying my house we had 9 rattlers in 2 months.. i relocated 6 of them..

but i just dont get why people kill harmless snakes.. i agree with momsfolly, i would MUCH rather have a few eggs eaten by a snake than to have RATS!!! uugghhh grooooossssscreatures..
the rats got into my horses tack shed and have DISTROYED thousands of dollars in saddles, horse blankets, bridles ect... every year we wage war on the rats,, and we never kill them all...
send all the snakes MY WAY..

so... you can call JOE and have it killed...
or you can call me and i will REMOVE the snake far from your property without KILLING it.. no charge for the removal,, but you do need to pay for my travel (airfaire, gasoline, food, hotel)
Didn't try to read this whole thread, but I am sure most of it I would disagree with. I have one Hard and Fast rule about killing any snake. If it's big enough to grab me and swallow me I'll kill it.
I'd prefer not to lose any more pullets or cockerels thank you very much...

If it were just problem. When it kills my birds, it's dead and I WILL go on a hunt throughout the entire area to find them all.

Since I got the cat...I haven't had an issue with snakes at all. Glad she can take care of the rat/mouse problem without having to eat the eggs or the chickens...
Ooops -- I meant the
for geareduplyn. I might kill it too if it was big enough to swallow me....

Rats attack babies in cribs in NYC... if we kill enough snakes guess what happens next....
As of me I've use to put golf balls on the nesting box. if you luck they will eat the ball and not the egg. takes care of the problem, and keep the chicken on her eggs.
#1 the REASON snake come to your property is FOOD.. kill all the rodents on your property, you wont have snakes (usually) they usually are hunting mice/rats and OOPPS look a chicken, easy meal
#2 water.. in desert areas they come to houses in serch of water..

#3 HOTWIRE along the bottom of your fence has been shown to keep snakes OUT.. the snake approches the wire and sense the electrical pulse through the wire and they turn around and go the other way.. so you could put hotwire all along the bottom of the chickencoop it will stop the predators from trying to dig in... has worked for ME
they also sell a spray repellent for snakes,, it has been PROVEN to keep out 90% of the snakes..
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