Sneezing Chick

Island Chicken AK

10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Our 2 week old Barred Rock chick is sneezing like crazy. She sneezes probably every 10 seconds when we have her out running around. This has been going on for a few days. Besides that she seems healthy. No runny beak or eyes. Judging by other posts on this site, we aren't really worried about her. Are there any other symptoms that we should be watching for?

We live in a place where there is absolutely no access to a feed store or a vet, and all chicken supplies have to be ordered online and mailed in. Because of this, if we ever DO have a sick chick, it would be handy to have a kit of chicken antibiotics. Any suggestions of common medicines that new chicken owners could have on hand in case of chicken illness?
Well if you're going to place an order, then you might as well stock up on the following:
(Just realize though that you'll be more inclined to use antibiotics if you have them on hand. You really should try to let the bird's immune system handle things and recognize when you need to start antibiotics. Also be double sure that you are running the full course of Antibiotics with your birds. You don't want to make resistant strains of disease.)

Sulfadimethoxine (water soluable) for coccidiosis treatment/prevention
VetRX (Non medicated respiratory aid) -works wonders and you can eat the eggs while treating
Get a couple pounds of pro-biotics
Wheat Germ Oil
Vitamins with Electrolytes
Broad spectrum respiratory Antibiotic
Broud Spectrum Digestive Antiobiotic

For your sneezing chick, I'd use the pro-biotics, VetRX, vitamins/electrolytes, and Wheat Germ Oil first. That will really give their system a leg up to help fight anything they might have. There are plenty of posts on how to property treat with those four things. They are probably the most important four items on that list.

Things to watch for are fetid odors associated with the sneezing, runny noses, watery or swollen eyes. That would indicate Coryza and the Sulfadimethoxine would treat that, but you'd always have those chicks as carriers of that so it would be better to cull that treat IMO.

That's just a basic list, I'm sure others will have more.

A very good place where you could order this stuff is from Foy's Pigeon Supply. They have a website and be sure to request their catalog because there is so much good basic info/advice in that catalog that it's more of a resource for avian keepers than it is just trying to sell stuff.

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