sneezing chickens


6 Years
Nov 22, 2013
hi, I've read a lot about sneezing chickens with snot. Mine are sneezing but don't have snot, yet. they are acting normal, and eating, laying, etc. the rooster is sneezing too, and just moans, no crowing. but he is acting normal too. the only thing i've done so far is AC vinegar in their water.. I should also mention one of my ducks just died, her symptoms were labored breathing, after 3 days she was dead..... PLEASE HELP!!
Sounds like the bird flu,short for resporitory disease.
First,separate them
Feed them Scrambled eggs.
Get Vet RX,this will help assist the breathing.
The vet should give you ingredients on the other medication.

I'm having the same issue, but it's onlyone of my hens, she's breathing hard, sneezing, couching and has a raspy sound when she breathes, she's also pooping a little blood, so I had to separate her and put antibiotics in her water.. chickens sometimes will act normal one day then be dead the next, they have an odd way of showing they don't feel good.. I hope your chickens get better!
I'm having the same issue, but it's onlyone of my hens, she's breathing hard, sneezing, couching and has a raspy sound when she breathes, she's also pooping a little blood, so I had to separate her and put antibiotics in her water.. chickens sometimes will act normal one day then be dead the next, they have an odd way of showing they don't feel good.. I hope your chickens get better!
Yes,that is exactly what mines had.The resporitory disease.
I don't see any blood, or coughing, or snot. I put an heater lamp in their coop, ordered VETRx, will be here tuesday. gave them scrambled eggs, as someone suggested. the sneezing started 3 days ago. in that time, the duck didn't sneeze, just was listless and had heavy breathing, died 3 days later. I don't have an avian vet near me,I called several, none wanted to treat a chicken :(
Same thing happened to my Araucana chicken. She was sneezing and coughing and crowing uncontrollably with heavy, labored breathing. $200 and 3 antibiotics later I worked out that an antibiotic called "Doxycycline" cured her. Now she hardly sneezes. Probably once every few days. Haven't had to do anything else since then. So I recommended you try out the Doxycycline and see what happens. The antibiotic should come in a tablet form not liquid. But I live in Australia so not sure if America has this but try to get your hands on it. If the Avian Vets refuse to treat a chicken then just ask them for Doxycycline. Yeah and also use Vet RX, rub some on her nose daily and before bed. I tried all this on my chicken and now she's better! Hope I helped!
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Ohh yeah and another thing. Vet RX won't cure the chicken/bird. It just helps the bird to breathe better but doesn't cure it. If the bird has a respiratory infection then use an antibiotic. While on the antibiotic DO NOT EAT THE EGGS IF A CHICKEN!!! You can start eating the eggs again 2 weeks after you finished the antibiotic. Don't eat the eggs while the chicken is on medication. Its dangerous! So keep an eye on your chicken when it goes to lay. If it's egg gets caught up with other chicken eggs and you can't tell, then I'm sorry to say but ditch them all. Better safe then sorry!
Ohh yeah and another thing. Vet RX won't cure the chicken/bird. It just helps the bird to breathe better but doesn't cure it. If the bird has a respiratory infection then use an antibiotic. While on the antibiotic DO NOT EAT THE EGGS IF A CHICKEN!!! You can start eating the eggs again 2 weeks after you finished the antibiotic. Don't eat the eggs while the chicken is on medication. Its dangerous! So keep an eye on your chicken when it goes to lay. If it's egg gets caught up with other chicken eggs and you can't tell, then I'm sorry to say but ditch them all. Better safe then sorry!
The chicken will likely not lay a egg if sick.
Vet RX won't cure them,but in mean time you can't get the ingredients on medicine,it will help.That's also why I said "Get other ingredients in my first post.

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