Sneezing/runny nose, cold snaps to blame?


Sep 11, 2023
Southeastern US
I went out this evening to check on my hens who have been cooped up in the run for the past three weeks except for 1-3 hours daily under supervision. The run is caged but only partially covered so while exposure to other birds is guarded it’s not entirely impossible.

Anyways, I refilled their food this morning and they seemed to be in good shape. I didn’t realize some of it had gotten damp during the storm yesterday and at some point today the feeder got clogged and they ran out of feed. I sorted it out and when food became available my girls started pigging out. One of my eggers was almost snorting as she scarfed down food, my blue chested leghorn Penny started sneezing as she ate. I checked the ones who were eating and everyone had clear eyes, faces looked good, but Penny also had a clear runny nose. The droppings in the coop look good, the run still looks really clean since I cleaned it out on Sunday. We’ve had some seriously bi-polar weather jumping from high 70s and 80s to 30s and 40s every other day. Just wondering if I should be concerned or wait and see? I just got done rehabilitating an injured chicken and I’m really hoping I don’t need to isolate another. Thoughts?

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