Sneezing two week old sikie chicks (otherwise healthy and active?)

Jul 9, 2020
Melbourne, Australia.
Hey everybirdy! I recently got 10 silkie chicks that were about 4 days old. They are probably almost two weeks now. Everyone is very, very active and they appear healthy, but I've just noticed but they are all sneezing occasionally. It's enough for me to be concerned.

Their poop is normal, they are eating and drinking heaps, and they have no eye or nose discharge. I've also listened to their breathing and they are not rasping at all.

I would rather be over-cautious and nip anything in the bud. I've been giving them a little bit of electrolytes and vitamins every few days to give them a boost. They are also on medicated chick starter from Barastock.

They are unvaccinated, but the breeder I got them from is extremely strict with quarantine measures. She has not brought in new birds for a couple decades, and she has never had sickness in her flock. I did get to see some of her stock, they looked amazing and were very healthy, especially since it's winter.

I also have a small flock of 7 banties. They are all healthy, and they haven't really had contact with the chicks.

If you have any idea what I can look out for, please let me know. I couldn't bear to lose any of these chicks. My little silkie hen named pixie passed only a few weeks ago. I raised her from my first ever batch of chicks during quarantine. I had her for almost exactly year. It's been a really hard time, and she had been there for me every day. She lived inside for her last few months, and we spent almost 12 hours a day together 😢

On hand i have:
• an abundance of medicinal herbs
• cocciprorol (although they are on medicated starter)
• avi-lite (electrolytes)
• avi-vital (multivitamin, minerals, prebiotics, amino acids)
• dewormer
• avi- calcium (calcium and d3, but I don't think that would be good for chicks)
• hand rearing bird food for emergency care
• mobic/meloxicam (human anti-inflammatory in very large doses, i cut it into sixteenths)
• doxy-t antibiotics
•lots of foods high in vitamins like E or selenium, protein too

Any of these useful?
Everyone is very, very active and they appear healthy, but I've just noticed but they are all sneezing occasionally.

Their poop is normal, they are eating and drinking heaps, and they have no eye or nose discharge. I've also listened to their breathing and they are not rasping at all.
How much ventilation do they have?

Your description does not sound like sick chicks. Chick(en)s can have an occasional sneeze from dusty feed, bedding, feather dust/dander, getting food/water in their nostrils, etc.

Very Very Active and Eating/Drinking Heaps...I would just enjoy them.

Symptoms you would watch for would be constant sneezing/coughing, wheezing, mucous from the nostrils, eyes with watery discharge/pus or bubbles, labored breathing, lethargy.
How much ventilation do they have?

Your description does not sound like sick chicks. Chick(en)s can have an occasional sneeze from dusty feed, bedding, feather dust/dander, getting food/water in their nostrils, etc.

Very Very Active and Eating/Drinking Heaps...I would just enjoy them.

Symptoms you would watch for would be constant sneezing/coughing, wheezing, mucous from the nostrils, eyes with watery discharge/pus or bubbles, labored breathing, lethargy.
They are still sneezing a little. They have been living in a 95cm x 50cm x 30cm brooder i made, the front doors are hardware mesh. I use hemp bedding which is extremely low in dust. They send the day outside, too.

Just a few minutes ago I noticed one of the little boys has wryneck now. I lost my most precious silkie hen just a month ago to those sorts of symptoms. She was vaccinated, but the chicks are not.

They're on medicated barastoc chick starter, they spend the day outside in a tiny sheltered run, and I give them nutrient-rich treats like broccoli, herbs, sunflower seeds, spinach and chickweed.

I know wry neck is most often caused by a vitamin deficiency. I just don't understand how my chicks would be deficient in anything, as I'm giving them vitamin supplements and very nutrient dense foods, along with a complete starter.

As for toxins... nothing comes to mind

And how do I know if they have a head injury? This little one does have a vaulted skull.

I would offer the wry neck chick 400IU Vitamin E along with 1/4 B-Complex daily. Give him a treat of egg as well.

If you recently lost a bird to similar symptoms and you think it was Marek's, then it's possible this is what's causing the wry neck symptoms in the chick.

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