snow ducks



In the Brooder
Oct 6, 2018
well now that we have snow, i realize how active my flock was at foraging. now they just lay most of the day in the tree line where there is still some running water. should i worry about them getting bored or just leave them be?
well now that we have snow, i realize how active my flock was at foraging. now they just lay most of the day in the tree line where there is still some running water. should i worry about them getting bored or just leave them be?
Don't worry about them as long as they eat and drink and walk around at least a bit.
We don't have snow here yet, but there are no interesting things in the duck's area any more. My five Indian Runner ducks have turned into »Indian Sleeper ducks«. Most of the time they just sit in front of the house, enjoy the sun and the reflected heat (red brick wall) and just sleep the day away. Only when we are outside too they come, watching what their humans are up to.
I worry about boredom too, since I work days now and my ducks spend a lot of time in their run. I freeze peas and cracked corn in water in plastic cups, so they can pick at them and more food is available as it melts, if it's above freezing. I also spread cracked corn on the snow so they can "forage" for that too. I threw my old pumpkin out there and they like picking at it.
perfect. good to know
I worry about boredom too, since I work days now and my ducks spend a lot of time in their run. I freeze peas and cracked corn in water in plastic cups, so they can pick at them and more food is available as it melts, if it's above freezing. I also spread cracked corn on the snow so they can "forage" for that too. I threw my old pumpkin out there and they like picking at it.

i tried putting out cracked corn but they have like no interested in it.
I got a bag of scratch thinking it would be something fun for the ducks to forage around for in their run, they wouldn't touch it...i now use it as a paperweight to hold their bag of feed closed :)
They do like when they get a whole ear of corn, keeps them busy for a little while anyway.
I got a bag of scratch thinking it would be something fun for the ducks to forage around for in their run, they wouldn't touch it...i now use it as a paperweight to hold their bag of feed closed :)
They do like when they get a whole ear of corn, keeps them busy for a little while anyway.
If i offer them scratch grains, they carefully pick out the corn and leave the rest (wheat, Barley, Alfalfa and some other grains) - like me, i only eat the red gummy-bears first.
I think i will collect the remaining seeds and try to make fodder out of that, curious to see if they eat that!

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