Snow Prep


♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
I have a giant snowstorm coming tomorrow (Predicted 16 inches) and am thinking about my girls. They do not like the snow, and take it very personally when it snows. They're like: WHY have you put the COLD on the GROUND, you FOOL
For prepping, I'm wrapping plastic on the bottom sections of the run:

The purple areas will be covered with plastic.
I'm not really expecting this to help all that much with snow (Maybe a bit) but it is mainly to keep chicken level wind to a minimum.
This is an old pic and the run is now fully roofed.
I would do the majority of the sides all the way up with a bit of space for ventilation, but we do not have enough plastic and I am too short.
I will be moving their food inside their coop this evening (it's usually in the run) as well as a small container of water (their current waterer is too big and too easy to fill with shavings)
I will also be putting hay down in the run today, and after I shovel the snow out tomorrow, I"ll add more.
Should I put hay in the coop as well, in addition to pine shavings?
Is this enough prep?
Is there anything else I can do?
You don't need to do more than provide a windbreak and let the chickens decide if they want to come out or stay in.

My ladies also hold me personally responsible for the weather, but despite their complaints they're currently out in the rain grumbling, but foraging. :)
They're also offended when it's windy. "WHAT IS THIS MADNESS" "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE"
I will also be putting hay down in the run today, and after I shovel the snow out tomorrow, I"ll add more.

I would not put any hay in the run today, it will just get buried with snow. Wait and put it on top of the snow to see of they will walk on it.

Should I put hay in the coop as well, in addition to pine shavings?

I can't see any benefit to that. Why do you think it will help?
I will also be putting hay down in the run today, and after I shovel the snow out tomorrow, I"ll add more.

I would not put any hay in the run today, it will just get buried with snow. Wait and put it on top of the snow to see of they will walk on it.

Should I put hay in the coop as well, in addition to pine shavings?

I can't see any benefit to that. Why do you think it will help?
Good idea!
I don’t know, it'd be warm and cozy??? I don’t have a super logical explanation.
What you have listed is fine. I have essentially the same thing, but 5," not 16" of snow. Some blows in. They like to eat it. They have food inside the coop, water outside only. They're hanging out inside, but they have come out for water. They will come out for chickie snack, which will be a warm mash of their food because I'm a softie that way.

Have you considered that they are being wimpy? :gig You must have a talk with them. Explain that the cardinals and chickadees are laughing at them. "Those big chickens! Ha ha ha!" Tell them to put on their big girl feathers and deal with it.

Really, they'll be fine. They're trying to put you on a guilt trip. Don't go.
They're also offended when it's windy. "WHAT IS THIS MADNESS" "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE"

I was just out getting the eggs in the downpour.

Dumpling, the Brahma, is almost dry with just a little surface beading. I don't know if she's been hanging out under cover all morning or if it's just those thick Brahma feathers.

Chipotle, the California White, Popcorn, the SLW, and Cordon, one of the Blue Australorps, are just damp on the surface.

Teriyaki, the other Blue Australorp looks soaked -- as if she's been swimming in the puddles (I have standing water in the run on ground that's almost pure sand, that's how hard it's been raining this morning). But I'm confident that if she didn't want to be that wet she'd have stayed inside.

She did have quite a bit to say about it as she followed me around just now. :D
I have a giant snowstorm coming tomorrow (Predicted 16 inches) and am thinking about my girls. They do not like the snow, and take it very personally when it snows. They're like: WHY have you put the COLD on the GROUND, you FOOL
For prepping, I'm wrapping plastic on the bottom sections of the run:
View attachment 2510233
The purple areas will be covered with plastic.
I'm not really expecting this to help all that much with snow (Maybe a bit) but it is mainly to keep chicken level wind to a minimum.
This is an old pic and the run is now fully roofed.
I would do the majority of the sides all the way up with a bit of space for ventilation, but we do not have enough plastic and I am too short.
I will be moving their food inside their coop this evening (it's usually in the run) as well as a small container of water (their current waterer is too big and too easy to fill with shavings)
I will also be putting hay down in the run today, and after I shovel the snow out tomorrow, I"ll add more.
Should I put hay in the coop as well, in addition to pine shavings?
Is this enough prep?
Is there anything else I can do?
I think that will work nicely.
No need for hay in the coop unless you want to.
If you have bales of hay, you could put some inside the run but up against a run side for and extra wind breaker.

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