snowy mallard sexing


11 Years
Oct 30, 2008
North Dallas
I am not sure if I have a male or a female snowy mallard.
I ordered a pair of snowy ducks and one passed in route.
I do not know if the remaining duckling is a male of female I am betting a female because she is solid in color and the other duckling had markings especially on the head. does anyone know?
I am so upset that I have lost several chicks from this order as well and hope that the remainder do well. I have excellent brooder conditions so I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!!
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How old are they? The juvenile plumage is the same for ducks and drakes. I have pictures of adults on my website that you can look at. If they aren't in their nuptial plumage yet, you may be able to tell by voice.

Did you have them sexed? I asked for my snowy mallard from Ideal to be sexed, and they marked her head purple. If you asked for them to be sexed, they probably marked off your female. If the marked one died, that was probably your female.

My female looks like this at two weeks old: (She's on the left, the one on the right is a pekin)

You can see the purple spot on her head.

Other than that, baby snowy mallards look the same. The voice will be the first way to tell. You'll know by voice long before color of feathers...
Thank you all for your replys I must not have subscribed because I did not know I had responces to this post.
Anywho no they did not mark them nettie but those two are so precious! (your two)
Webfoot I love the snowy mallards I am hoping I do not loose this other one, but Ideal is sending replacements hope all goes well! I may take you up on the snowy's though.
These babies are brand new, they are only 4 days old born last wed.
I wish I could post pictures but you can see them on my web site here is a link waterfowl (for some reason link does not work either but click on more at top of page and go down to farm and you will see duck page)
I am really worried about him/her now though because he/she is not using its foot at all just hobbling and a little quite and stand offish compared to other chicks and ducklings
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