Snuggle safe for chick brooder


7 Years
Oct 22, 2015
Walla Walla WA
Has anyone used the snuggle safe dog and cat bed warmer as a way to keep the baby chicks warm outdoors? I would like to put the baby chicks outside in a little pen in the run. But I don’t have electricity out there. I thought I could wrap the snuggle safe in a towel and put it in a small dog crate and let the checks go in there to get warm. What do you think?
Sounds like the MHP brooder method which generally comes highly recommended. Do try searching for it if you haven’t already. I would add that I think the warmth should be above the chicks rather than below but I’m sure someone will know whether or not that’s essential :thumbsup
Sounds like the MHP brooder method which generally comes highly recommended. Do try searching for it if you haven’t already. I would add that I think the warmth should be above the chicks rather than below but I’m sure someone will know whether or not that’s essential :thumbsup
Yes, it is basically that message except without electricity. I’m trying to figure out how to keep it above them. I will have to Jerry rig something.
Never heard of those "warmers" had to "look it up" on the internet. You should test it to make sure it holds temp. If it works, sandwich it between two wire frames (3 sides) hold together with a towel & bungee it together. Let us know how it works.
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Having used a Snugglesafe for various sick things in the past....hedgehogs, cats, rabbits....they are great but they do not hold the heat for that long so I guess it depends how long you intend the babies to be outside and how closely you will monitor the heat of the Snugglesafe. They can get incredibly hot to begin with, but covered with a towel, it should be fine, but they lose heat over the space of an hour or so, much quicker in lower temperatures. They also don't really radiate the heat, the chicks would need to be in physical contact with the Snugglesafe (wrapped in a towel) so if you rig an 'over head' solution, make sure it is low enough for them to actually touch it and keep a very close eye on how your chicks are behaving, to see if they are warm enough xxx
Has anyone used the snuggle safe dog and cat bed warmer as a way to keep the baby chicks warm outdoors? I would like to put the baby chicks outside in a little pen in the run. But I don’t have electricity out there. I thought I could wrap the snuggle safe in a towel and put it in a small dog crate and let the checks go in there to get warm. What do you think?

My previous answer was based on taking chicks outside for brief periods of 'outdoor time' but if you meant for them to go permanently outside into an outdoor brooder, then definitely, not, this is not a suitable heat source at all xxx
Is there anyway you can run an extension cord to where your brooder in the run? If you can, read up on MHP by Blooie in Raising Chicks, aside from safer I find chicks are calm & quieter. I would advise keeping new chicks inside for at least a week for observation.

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