So, am I the only crazy chicken lady?

I make chicken sounds when I go out to visit my chickies. The first time I did it when Mom and Dad were over, they told me I had gone nuts. But the funny thing is, when I'm bawking or making whatever noise to them, they come over to me and start making the same sounds. I love it!

I was in a store one day and saw a "fan pull" in the shape of a rooster. It's pewter. Well, I looked at my DD and she said "Mom, Orangie needs some bling!" So, naturally, I bought it and put in on the rear view mirror of my Orangie! (Orangie is my Sunburst Orange Saturn Vue first brand new vehicle...I waited til I was 41 to buy a brand new one!! lol) My DD named my vehicle when she was 4, the day I brought it home from the dealership. Anyway, she will pipe up every now and then and say "See Mom, I TOLD you Orangie needed some bling!!"

Yes, people that know me think I have lost my mind. All I talk about anymore (other than my DD) are my chickens!!
No you are certainly not alone, i made excuses not to go to my cousins wedding in london because i didnt want to leave my babies without me for 3 days, even though my neice has offered to look after them i fear she wont do a good enough job lol! i am contantly checking and rechecking them and if i had my way they will be brought in the house at husband has no intention of allowing this to happen!

i am the crazy chicken lady of north wales and i am proud to be so! lol

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