So built the new coop

After returning the Formex chicken coop we ordered I got the plans for one to build. I modified them some and below is the finished (mostly) coop. It is 5x4 with a 4x4 inside not counting the nesting boxes.

I do have a question about the roosting bar. How high above the floor of the coop should the bar be? I will be using the deep litter method in this. Also I plan on using a 2x4 or 2x2 for the bar. I have heard to NOT use a round clothes rod. Which would be better? I have both. I still have the Omlet auto door to install. That is what is sitting inside right now.

Anyway I did have a lot of fun building this. I think it turned out great and matches with the house well. We have 5 chicks that are now about 4 weeks old and I hope to move them out when the weather gets warmer in 3 weeks or so. I plan on having a run built for them attached to this by then. It will be about 40 sq/ft plus I have the 20 sq/ft under the coop.

I do know that 16 sq/ft (not counting nesting boxes) is not the 4 sq/ft recommended. We are only allowed 4 birds total and if it does get to crowded I will take one to my sons farm and keep just the 4. We got 5 incase one of them didn't make it but all are doing great.

Thanks for all the help.
Looks great very impressive. My hens have roosted on both. 2x4 and 2x2 not sure which one was better
Well I went for the 2x3 for my roost bar. Found it at Home Depot for $4.48 for an 8 footer. Since I needed 48" I got 2 of them. Not sure if I will put in both or just keep one out for swapping when I need to clean them.

Maybe it's because I use round roosts (pine saplings are weeds that need to be cut anyway, milled lumber costs money), but I have never yet had to clean poop off a roost once the birds approached adult size.
Thanks Dakar and Becks. I cancelled the order for the one I placed so never even got it. Glad I did. They seem to love this so far. This is the completed project. Well maybe not completed as I seem to be adding things constantly. We have put blocks around 8" blocks around it on end and planted flowers in them. Also added a few roost bars in the run. I'll get some updated pics soon.

Well maybe not completed as I seem to be adding things constantly.
<chuckles> Yeah, that's the way of the world.
Observe and Adjust.
That's why I always use screws to assemble things.

This is the completed project.
What happens to rain water gushing down the coop roof into the run?
My run is all screwed together or utilize deck brackets PRECISELY so I can modify it in the future (which I know I will). My main coop is more permanent.

I was going to to a similar roof but didn't want water from the coop dumping into the run. Do you have any water issues where those meet?

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