So Close to Eggs!!


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Crossville, Tennessee
My roos are mounting the hens and the hens are squatting!
I can almost taste the first sweet eggs! They were hatched on the 3'rd of March. I just can't wait for the next few weeks to pass! Were SO excited!
???? how old does your chickens have to be to lay eggs? i bought soome pullets about a moth ago and the lady said in july but if yours were born in march and you have a couple weeks, how long do i really have. thanks chickenwhat.

Depends largely on the breed but around 18 to 24 weeks is a good rule of thumb.

I've had everything from a 18 week old first time layer to a 39 week old first timer.
We got our rtl red sex links, that where 18 to 20 weeks old three weeks ago, Since we got them, we went first day 1 third day 2 end of first week 5, then 8 then 10 to 13 after two weeks, now it`s 3 weeks today and we are getting 23. We have 31 hens all toll. We have one girl laying double youkers and she lays every two days. So all depending on bread, if your only 10 to 12 weeks old then you still have a bit to weight. We are having a great time with our girls. The grand kids can now feed them all out of there hands.


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