so cold out. should we be worried.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
The temperature is about 5-10 degrees. We put some plastic around parts of the coop and put hay in both coops. But I'm still worried about our chickens. We've been feeding them extra as well. What else can we do? I thought about putting a light bulb in there, but hesitate for 2 reasons. One is that I heard heating the coop makes the chickens less tolerant to the cold. The other is that i worry my roosters will crow all night. My neighbors haven't complained yet, but that could tip the scale!! We really don't have electric out there anyway.
Ok, I guess it's not that cold yet. It's 22 degrees now, but it's supposed to go down to 4 on Thursday.
Keep them out of the elements and they'll be fine. Make sure your coop has plenty of ventilation, though. An airtight coop is not your friend. Too much moisture is more likely to cause frostbite than cold and dry. We've had it down to -20 here and I have yet to close the pop door on my coop.
We're do you live? I am in Wisconsin were it has been well below freezing and my unheated coop does just fine. If is not the cold that is hard on the chickens it's drafts and poor ventilation. I haven't lost a chicken due to the cold and last winter our wind chill was -40 to -50 below zero. I am considering this winter to be a heat wave compared to last. Sunflower seeds and meal worms are good warm up snacks. I do not heat or use a heat lamp in my coop. We tend to humanize animals and I am guilty as well but they are honestly stronger than we give them credit for. Best of luck with your flock. :D
Keep them out of the elements and they'll be fine. Make sure your coop has plenty of ventilation, though. An airtight coop is not your friend. Too much moisture is more likely to cause frostbite than cold and dry. We've had it down to -20 here and I have yet to close the pop door on my coop.

Great advice. Agree 100%. Remember your chickens are wearing BIG Down Coats.
When we first started I worried way too much about the cold too. Our big door has a permanent open window that is about 8" x 12" just for extra ventilation and a top vent. They do just fine.
Don't worry, chickens can handle those temps easily. Check out the pic below. I get temps into the single digits, and the whole front of the coop is wide open, and the birds have no problems at all. Look at where they are, right up front, not huddling in the back of the coop, and hiding form the cold.

I've got 3 day old chicks out in the coop with a broody......they were popping in and out of the nest at 5F yesterday morning.

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