Well so far so good (I think) . The Sapphire Gems will be 12 weeks old on this coming Wednesday. As I've observed in the past the immature pullets remain more of a subflock. So far the regular flock (with their rooster) are in the main coop and my Sapphire Gems go to their temporary (I hope) mini-coop. When out in the large run area the interactions go fairly well (with the SGs getting an occasional poke from one of the hens). The rooster (Sandy) ignores them most of the time, but occasionally gives them a brief chase which leaves me scratching my head - the only thing I can figure is that he is just posturing (???) He doesn't seem intent on hurting them. I think their running triggers his desire to briefly chase and that is all and it is over with.
So, here is my question.... I'm more a little nervous about just placing them in the main coop at night in a couple of weeks from this Wednesday when they reach 14 weeks (not that far away). I started wondering if the sneak them in, in the night, approach was the only way. I found myself wondering the 'littles' will eventually head over to the main coop from their temp mini coop, on their own? I saw a post on this website (I forgot by whom it was written), where he/she mentioned that eventually all flocks (main flock and the subflock) will gradually merge together in the main coop on their own?
If the latter is true then that would seem to be the least stressful for all, integration into the main coop? Part of me likes the idea (for obvious reasons - worry worry worry) but the other part was wondering if it was also equally possible the 'littles' would never leave the temp mini coop on their own?
What say y'all?
So, here is my question.... I'm more a little nervous about just placing them in the main coop at night in a couple of weeks from this Wednesday when they reach 14 weeks (not that far away). I started wondering if the sneak them in, in the night, approach was the only way. I found myself wondering the 'littles' will eventually head over to the main coop from their temp mini coop, on their own? I saw a post on this website (I forgot by whom it was written), where he/she mentioned that eventually all flocks (main flock and the subflock) will gradually merge together in the main coop on their own?
If the latter is true then that would seem to be the least stressful for all, integration into the main coop? Part of me likes the idea (for obvious reasons - worry worry worry) but the other part was wondering if it was also equally possible the 'littles' would never leave the temp mini coop on their own?
What say y'all?