So, have you ever had to 'defend'

If they ask you why you have chickens ask them why they have the animals they have.If they can ask about your stuff you can ask about theirs
I have had a few people give me looks like I was crazy and I have had my own family make fun of me and my chicks.
I got chicks because I had a few friends who had them for awhile and loved them. I finally did go and get some with my
kids and hubby. They have been a joy from the very beginning and have never regreted it yet!!!! I love the fresh eggs
and I love each one of my hens and their personality. I am hooked and I am getting more!!!!
I have them because I can and for all the joy they give me. If something makes you happy why should you have
to defend it???
Me either. People ask me why & they have that tone--you know the one I'm talkin' about--I just tell them because I CAN.

I am with you all the way. I tell people that I raise them because I want to.

Same here...because I want to...& by the way, why do you have all of those nose licking butt picking kids????

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