So Hot!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
I have three Rhode Island Reds, Three White Orpingtons, and one Black Star Sex Link all 17 weeks old. We keep them in an outdoor-indoor coop in a tin barn. And in the day time we move them away from the barn out under a shade tree in a pen. It has been 100 degrees every day for the past week. They have plenty of water and a little sled that we put water in and they drink and wade in it. And I change the water about every two hours. But they are soo hot. Panting and have their wings limp and are just miserable. Need tips!! How do I keep these girlies cool?!
2. Freshwater every two hours
3. Water mister combined with a fan.
you can purchase it at Home Depot, looks like a snake in has two sprayer nozzle
point your fan in the water mist, towards your chicken flocks..
4. Ice. Any shallow plastic tray or baking tray which will hold water to freeze it.
I put a cold good size of watermelon on the top of the ice on the tray.
My chicks enjoyed picking on the cold watermelon which give them hydration as well.

I am in Colorado and we had set some new heat record. These otherwise I have found on line.
This works:
i have 6 rhode island reds and live in south west louisiana where it got up to 110 yesterday and i put ice in my chicks water and make sure they have plenty of shade to hide from the heat, mine pant alot but they are still real active i wet the bottom of they run every afternoon to cool the ground and when i am finished they play in it to cool off. hope this helps
I am in Dallas TX area and it's been HOT here too! Usually is....I am also wetting the ground down with cold water in the afternoons, providing a pan of ice/water in the shady area and also use a vitamin/electrolyte in their drinking water daily........I've started putting out cold fruits cut up for them in the afternoon too to help with hydration. This is my 1st summer with chickens and they are really panting and holding out their wings etc......wish I could provide an air conditioned coop for them!! They seem so miserable, but still walking around and pecking at things.
they will adapt just like an outside dog does. takes time but it will happen as long as you are giving them shade make sure the run is facing east so the hottes part of the day and the sun are hitting the coop so they can hide from the heat it will be good and keep plenty of water and make sure the water stays cool thats why i put ice cubes in mine. another thing good to do is to get plenty of ventelation so they have moving air to get in front of incase they get too hot...but some of the videos i see of how they keep chicken on farms for store bought eggs you dont have to worry you doing everything i have been doing...
It’s HOT – Keep your birds feeling their best with Electrolytes

When the temperature rises, you may reach for an extra glass of water, juice or an energy drink to stay hydrated and feeling your best. Birds have similar needs, and may need an extra boost of electrolytes and vitamins when the weather gets hot, or if they are stressed in any way.

When a bird is stressed, it can affect their appetite and energy. Some of the common stress-inducing factors are:
· High environmental temperature which could lead to the following signs in the bird: an increase in water consumption, a decrease in feed consumption, spreading of wings, panting with increased respiration and seeking comparatively colder spots
· Handling of birds when cleaning coops or transportation to another site
· Exposure to disease and recovery, such as an intestinal disease (coccidiosis) or a respiratory disease (infectious bronchitis)


Your birds’ drinking water is an easy way to supply nutrients when they are not eating and drinking enough. It is important to…
· Supply cool, clean water at all times
· Feed a well-balanced ration, that contains optimum levels of nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and trace minerals

Supplementing drinking water with vitamins and electrolytes is recommended especially when feed intake is impaired. Prepare fresh solutions daily and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Other significant benefits from supplementing drinking water with balanced vitamins include improved calcium absorption (vitamin D3) and intake of important antioxidants (vitamin E).

For more information visit: or

Reviewed by Canadian Poultry Consultants Ltd., a Veterinary practise dedicated to poultry health since 1989.
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hope this helps
i have fans on each end of the run and fans in their coop.provided lots of shade and water.i would put air condition in their coop.but if the electricty should go out. it just make it that much worse on them.
Thanks everyone!
I went out and watered down the grass in the run. That seemed to help quite a bit. They aren't panting anymore. Love the mister idea! I will try that maybe tomorrow. Wind is blowing upwards of 40 mph today. I have been going out every 15 minutes and filling the waters and I gave them some cold grapes. They are just laying down in the shade on the wet grass now. Cant wait for dark! Made me feel a lot better that you said they will adapt to the hot weather. They're eating just like their normal piggish self's. And drinking OK but not a ton.

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