So how do you feed a flock with a rooster? Layer food or what?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2015
I already bought another bag of organic layer food so I am committed for 50lbs of food now. Can a rooster eat layer food?

Can 18wk old turkeys eat layer food?

Can pullets that are 18 weeks eat layer food?
Anything can eat layer food. With pullets if too young the added calcium can set the pelvic bones too early when narrow and lead to laying problems. The added calcium over a long time in birds that don't lay will destroy the organs. If you don't want birds to live 5 years then layer if perfectly fine. Most people cull bird by end of three years so really there is no problem giving to cockerels and cock birds or turkeys as you'll be inviting them to dinner long before health issue arise.

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