long do they peep?

Mine added a few sounds whilst they were still young, between 5 and 6 wks old, but they still sounded sorta peepy up until they were 8 wks old. Even then the sounds weren't CLUCKS.... then one day I noticed they all sounded like real chickens.
I swear mine still let out the occasional peep and they're at 9 months XD
I have a 15 wk old that still thinks shes a baby and makes the sweet little BCM song. She is by herself though and sweet as can be nicest baby I've ever had.
mine peeped until about a month before they started to lay, I miss the peeps. I remember when my last pullet started clcuking, I was kinda disappointed, but excited to maybe get eggs soon from them.
Yes, they are.

I am having them sent to a different PO this time though. I believe they are expected to be coming in Friday... Wish me luck! I am hoping that this time there won't be any "accidents"
. I must say, this may be my last time going through the hatchery though (not that Ideal isnt wonderful, just the stres sof PO chicks and such). I have been looking into an incubator
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