So... how many do you think I have laying?


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Knoxville, TN
The first day I saw eggs there were 4 in the coop. I checked two days before that but didn't see any (BUT I wasn't expecting such small eggs - they're from cochin banties). Ever since then I have gotten one egg a day... all the same size and color. So do you think I have one bantam cochin that's laying every day or two that are alternating days??? I keep going out there about 5x a day hoping there will be two eggs at once, lol!
If you checked 2 days before and you had no eggs chances are you have at least 2 birds laying. Their laying could be somewhat erratic at first. You may get eggs one day nothing for a couple of days or so then another egg. They are not always consistent when they first start laying and while their bodies are adjusting.
Mine have been laying for over a month, and I don't think they are all even laying yet. Some of the eggs are getting up around large size, and some are still little pullet eggs. Even had a couple of huge double yolkers. Takes some time.

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