So I am grossed out by my eggs.


Feb 3, 2018
So I love eggs. Always have. Our chickens are finally all laying and the eggs are beautiful and perfect. No blood spots, nothing weird at all, just perfectly perfect eggs. I can't eat them. I get so grossed out. I am not sure why I am having this issue. I know they eat good and their coop is clean but I cant seem to get over it. Am I the only one?? Help me get over this nonsense pleaseee lol


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Help me get over this nonsense pleaseee lol
You do know, your eggs are a hell of a lot better than those store bought eggs you are used to. The bloom keeps the nasties out. Store bought ones wash off the bloom, and leave the eggs open to bacteria and other junk that isn't healthy. Your eggs are fresher than the store bought ones. At least you know how your chickens are raised. Can't say that about store bought eggs. Besides, how do you think your chickens will feel, if they found out you thought their eggs were gross???
Hi! I get it. Before I had chickens I would get eggs from my mother-in-law and I had a hard time with them. They were just so different from what I was used to, and she kept them on the counter which was weird to me and They smelled different and tasted different. I think it is something you have to get used to. And don’t even get me started on when I was pregnant. Couldn’t let my husband cook eggs within a mile of me.
Maybe try using them in a recipe that isn’t just eggs? Bake with them, make banana bread or cupcakes? Or something with add-ins - we like to make eggs scrambled with salsa and cheese and eat them in burritos? Is your hang-up with the concept or just the taste? Or everything about it?
Why is it that you can't eat them? Your chickens are much happier, healthier, and living altogether better lives than those that lay eggs for the grocery store.
I know!!! It kills me. I read the store bought eggs can be months old by the time they reach the shelves. I can bake with them and be fine but when it comes to scrambling or literally any other way I get a few bites in and I'm grossed out. I have always been very finicky with stuff but this is just ridiculous and I know it.
You do know, your eggs are a hell of a lot better than those store bought eggs you are used to. The bloom keeps the nasties out. Store bought ones wash off the bloom, and leave the eggs open to bacteria and other junk that isn't healthy. Your eggs are fresher than the store bought ones. At least you know how your chickens are raised. Can't say that about store bought eggs. Besides, how do you think your chickens will feel, if they found out you thought their eggs were gross???
I know, I know. I love my chickens and they are super healthy so I dont know what my issue is.
I know!!! It kills me. I read the store bought eggs can be months old by the time they reach the shelves. I can bake with them and be fine but when it comes to scrambling or literally any other way I get a few bites in and I'm grossed out. I have always been very finicky with stuff but this is just ridiculous and I know it.
Do you have a rooster? Is it them being fertilized that bothers you?
Hi! I get it. Before I had chickens I would get eggs from my mother-in-law and I had a hard time with them. They were just so different from what I was used to, and she kept them on the counter which was weird to me and They smelled different and tasted different. I think it is something you have to get used to. And don’t even get me started on when I was pregnant. Couldn’t let my husband cook eggs within a mile of me.
Maybe try using them in a recipe that isn’t just eggs? Bake with them, make banana bread or cupcakes? Or something with add-ins - we like to make eggs scrambled with salsa and cheese and eat them in burritos? Is your hang-up with the concept or just the taste? Or everything about it?
Ok, so I'm not just crazy. Pheww, I was getting worried lol I do fine when baking them. I also made sausage eggs and cheese burritos with salsa tonight, believe it or not and got 3 bites in and couldn't finish it. They taste fine, smell fine so idk. It's just the concept of it being straight outta my chickens lol I really can't pinpoint why I'm grossed out but I am. I think just continuing to cook them and I will get over it hopefully.

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