So I hate sleepovers....

I think that is why there is supposed to be two of us. We balance each other out. When we reach our end if the other one is around we say Tag me out!

Busy becca?!?!? Yoohoo! How goes it!?
Hello all -

Finally squeezing in time to read the fun and very sweet replies. On the chicken front
- we had our very first egg today - and our family is SO EXCITED! Who knew?

On the hard part we have going on - the Lord is good, and we still know nothing except it looks like the tumor is not in a great spot for surgery (which they still have to do), and we go on this Monday to the Dr. again to see if they can tell anything now (2 more MRI's this week - he flipped out on one of them and we had to redo part of it - I don't blame him it was over 1 1/2 hours long...He is an amazing trooper - doing much better than mama

Thank you again for the thoughts, prayers and laughs - it is awesome and much appreciated! I love the stories and funnies!
I'd have cut them off,

"Oh- so ~that's~ why they think (type of incident EX: animal abuse, stealing, damaging property...) is funny... I see- in the future this will not be tolerated and I will drive them back to you regardless of the hour."
We asked our son if he wanted just a party or friends overnight. He chose just a party. Talk about relief. He had mentioned to his annoying friend that he was trying to decide which to do while we were on the way home from school one day last week. His friend jokingly says "just have a party and then everyone else can go home and just I'll stay". Inside I was screaming "oh hell no". I piped up with "it's all or none for the overnight thing". The next day he decided on just a party. That many guys overnight and figuring out where they would all sleep was a bit too much for him and I am just fine with that.
I won't even go into detail about our sleepovers..... Let's just say... Nothing good happens after midnight....

as for busybecca.... I totally understand.... 20y/o son w/ multi tumors and well over 30 MRI's under his belt.
some shared info... Bribing is good... after mri take him to any restaurant he wants
always bring HIS music and favorite toy(stuffy)
If he fasts You fast...missery loves company ( you might need to sneak a energy bar cause YOUR driving)
Make fun of everything... at least this helps my son. Each Dr. has a name like Dr Swisscheese (he put my son films up and said "these bones look like swisscheese. lets gettem out')
This is Your time . don't bring sibs! It distracts to much

Good luck today

and sorry if I hijacked....
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Thanks for the advice
- we do the one-on-one and special treats afterwords - It is good to know that it is ok to make jokes about things - it helps but I didn't want to be to glib.

I will do the fast with him/go through with him - thanks so much - I am sure that will mean a lot to him.

Happy that you and your son have made it through - that is so many!

GREAT NEWS - tumor hasn't made it to the chest cavity - they can do surgery through the back to straighten and remove the tumor! Much, much less evasive - scheduled for Nov. 1st. and...
we found egg #3 in the nestbox today!
Becca I am so sorry I have been gone for a few days.

I hope all is well with you and your little one.
Don't forget to make some time for mom along the way. I know, I know extremely hard to do. BUt you are his rock and he needs you - which means there is no time for a total breakdown so you need to go ahead and ask for help. Ask people to take over things that you want to manage on your own. Ask people to sit him for even an hour or so so that you can go sit somewhere and breathe or cry.
Or whatever you need to give your spirits a little boost. You are as you were when you grew him inside of your body. You knew you had to take care of yourself then. This is no different. Take your emotional vitamins.

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