So I made my geese a pond

I will look into the pond plastic next time. The dirt was free got it in June from road construction around here. We got 15 loads delivered for free this was the extra. So basically it only cost me time and trash bags. However if it was one solid piece would be a lot better. It is leaking out a little but geese still loving it
With the pond liners do not put dirt on it just take some heavy rocks for the bottom just a few will help keep it down. This way the pool will stay more clear and not muddy. The only thing is you want to put your hose in there and run it to help get the goose poo out. Or you can totally drain the pool and refill it. To help keep it cleaner! Hope this helps you.

Also you can take and either put bricks all around the outside where the plastic should be run to or stones and it makes it look really nice!
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We use a sump pump and start it draining. But when the feathers start clogging it have to stop it and clean the feather's out. But that is how we do it. Or you take a hose and put one end in the pond and one end out at a lower end so you get it to start coming out. There are also pond pumps you can drain with and larger hoses.
I bought a pond liner for the duck pond from - best prices I found for the size I was looking for.
Pond liner is thick and likely won't be pierced by goose nails. Though I'm not sure as no geese here, just the ducks in the pond.
My geese grab the pond liner all the time and bite on it. Little brats. But we bought the real thick liner so it take a lot of biting.

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