SO, I Put Chicks Under the Chicken Melter and....


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
This is what happened. Worked with every chick. As soon as they feel the heat of the lamp, they fall over and spread their wings. Easier to get a picture of them this way, as long as I try not to leave them under there too long--if you do, the scent of baked chicken wafts through the room.
They sure love sunbathing in the house! This first Ameraucana is either wheaten or blue wheaten, but has such thick legs, a definite boy, I'd say. The blue Rock cockerel and both Barred Rock cockerels are for sale in BSA.






Yes, they are very friendly, however, I see you live in Washington and I never ship birds. The Plymouth Rocks are usually extremely friendly, but that doesn't necessarily mean they wont make some wear and tear on the girls. A rooster still acts like a rooster with the ladies.

Oh, btw, the tiny black Ameraucana chick is doing really well. She has grown some and loves to climb arms and ride on shoulders. She's a real funny girl.
Pretty much all of Cyn's birds are friendly and sweet. But, sadly for you and I both, the only way we're ever going to be able to introduce some of Cynthia's wonderful blood lines into our own flocks is to acquire eggs from her. And now you know why I'm near the end of my very first incubator hatching!
I want some of those incredible creatures of Cynthia's too!!!

Oh, and
by the way! How's the weather out there "on the coast" as we say over here in Spokane?

Cyn, were you referring to Tiny there? Oh! I sure hope so! I've been so darn busy getting ready for Saturday and Sunday that I haven't had much time to catch up on how she's doing. Such a little cutie! And how are Ivy, Olivia and Ginger doing? Is Ivy staying warm enough?

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for at least one BR in this hatch...better yet, TWO!!!
Though I know they'll never be a patch on your birds....a girl can dream...and practice too!!!
Pretty soon you and I are going to have to sit down and discuss prices, quantities and availability! OK?
All of the new little hooligans are looking exceptionally well too by the way! Any chance of a pic of Tiny any time soon?? Pleeeeeeaaasseee!!!????!!!!
The ailing girls are still with me. Ivy wants out of the pen she's in and when the weather warms up, if she is still doing at least as well as she is now, will let her go back to the coop.

Tiny, who needs a real name soon, is thriving. She has grown a lot, but is still very much smaller than everyone else. She sings when she eats the egg we give her so was thinking about a songbird name, like Robin or Pipit or Wren. All suggestions appreciated! I do think she is a pullet still. Comb is flat as it can be.

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