So I'm browsing Drudge Report...

I agree, this is TOTALLY off topic. It would be one thing if the discussion gradually changed to this, but it has no relevance to the topic and it's quite a stretch to see how anything posted could have anything to do with it.
Yes it is very bad. Only about 10% of Americans pay attention to it though. The rest are too busy worrying about red herrings. By the time they wake up it will be too late.

Has Drudge changed his leanings? He's as far right as Huffington is left.

Space should be totally privatized. As long as nobody is putting missiles up there to shoot at us, it should be the domain of private industry.
Yes it is very bad. Only about 10% of Americans pay attention to it though. The rest are too busy worrying about red herrings. By the time they wake up it will be too late.

Has Drudge changed his leanings? He's as far right as Huffington is left.

Space should be totally privatized. As long as nobody is putting missiles up there to shoot at us, it should be the domain of private industry.

I've seen very leftist views on Drudge; admittedly, though, anti-Democrat ads are not uncommon. Still, as far as news content, Drudge is pretty fair.

Definite agreement about the privatization of space. It'd be a lot more useful in the right hands. Says something about our tech, that we can talk about who space should belong to in all seriousness.
Sorry Q9, I tend to have a real stream-of-consciousness posting style. Often posting nonsequitur.

infrastructure + Q9 = income inequality

Privatizing space.....Anybody read Heinlein? The Moon is a Harsh Mistress I think is an accurate scenario.
I think it will be for-profit companies that get there first. Space tourism is the only money to be made out there. I may be missing some far-fetched plan, but beyond tourism what else is there?

As far as income inequality goes, perhaps a large portion of the middle class is too bent on funding their lifestyles with 30 year mortgages, new car loans, and credit cards to buy extravagant homes in the suburbs (with longer commute times for their SUVs), large screen plasma televisions, the latest electronic gadgets and the like. Then when their lifestyles collapse around them, it's not their fault, it's the government's fault and the government needs to fix it...
Hmm... well that was weird. Hit Recent Posts, saw this one on top and while I've already posted I looked at the title with fresh eyes and thought...

OHHHHH so that's Q9's name for his %$&* List.

I blame the Rangers... it's totally fried my brain.
You know, I honestly understand. I've just never done it on a forum.
You never know where I can take a conversation.

I've heard about Heinlein's book. I've only read Starship Troopers, and it was quite a disappointment. I'll need to check out the one you mentioned when I get a chance. British Literature can be a pain, sometimes. Gets in the way of other reading
You guys are so funny.

You argue like old people in a retirement home. Have you ever listened to an argument in a retirement home?? Hysterical. If you listen carefully and makes a few cognitive leaps you can get the idea of what the other person means, you just have to fill in alot of blanks! Nonsequitors abound! I love nonsequitors, to me its like a verbal game of connect the dots!

Dunkopf I can give you better articles than that. I can give you flat statistics on the income disparity as well as over two hundred years of data showing that severe income disparity almost always precedes a major collapse. Either the society has a revolution, or it is invaded or it fragments. The only other alternative is for there to be a massive seismic shift that brings incomes closer together again. This rarely happen without massive social upheaval.

I can see that this is connected directly to the space programs. Space is no longer the purview of most nations, too expensive with not enough payback. So private companies will do it. But, this will cause problems down the road. If you re a massive multi-national corporation who owes it fealties to no one (maybe your shareholders but that is questionable) then you can do whatever you like to follow the business maxim: maximize profits. Can you picture the moon carved with a Nike swoosh?? Or how about using it as a base for a for profit mercenaries?? Think Xe....

There are lots of sci fi novels which give creepy yet highly plausible scenarios of what could happen if the moon gets colonized by for profits. And just as many for if it gets held by any one country. There is an international treaty in place already to prevent that.

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