So is wood shavings good or bad?


8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
I was at my local feedery and saw a great deal on wood shavings for the chickens. However, I remember reading in this forum that pine or cedar or something was bad and other types of wood shavings are ok? Something about hard on their lungs? Which one should I avoid and which one is ok to get?
I have used straw and pine shavings. After looking at the price of straw the other day I am going to stick with pine shavings. My chickens have had no trouble with them.
I have 8 two week old chicks and I use pine and nothing is wrong they love it. I have been told for almost every animal that cedar is toxic and to not give it. I hope this help.
As the others said " cedar is bad - pine is good" I would like to add that I would stay away from straw, it holds moisture. Pine does absorb moisture but it will release the moisture at a faster rate (meaning the moisture dries out leaving good dry air) Straw holds moisture for a very long time, thats why you see it over freshly planted grass seed.

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