So it's not the flu.

You appear (IMO) to be having a severe allergic reaction to something. Have you used any new products on your face? IDK about the fever though. Go to the doctor, they'll be able able to treat it properly.

I hope you get better soon!
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I get hives about every seven years or so. Yours looks like what I get. It's a seasonal thing, allergies. Benedryl works but I would go to a Dr also. You never know. I used to get hives the size of dinner plates anywhere there was extreme pressure on my skin, like around my waist from tight jeans, or if I knocked my elbow, I would get a hive reaction anywhere there was some kind of pressure. It's wierd. And awful. Hope you figure it out.

I hope you didn't get bitten by anything while you sleeping during the night. I just notice you're in Louisiana area, don't want to creep you out but....
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Try some benadryl. It'll make you sleepy, but should clear a little of that up.

Do you have any achy joints? Have you started any new medications, or taken any new vitamins? Do you have a headache? Weakness? Difficulty breathing?

Did you recieve a vaccination for meningitis? This was the first thing that came to my mind along with allergic reaction, but hives are usually a little more raised. Is this rash only on your face, or do you have it on your chest and legs as well?

Check out this website:

I'm no doctor, but I've seen my share of allergic reactions. It doesn't so much look like anaphylactic shock, but if it is an allergic reaction, I would say it's a medication allergy. I'm not so convinced it's an allergy at all though.

I would stop any non vital medication (if you are taking any) right away and see if it gets any better. A doctor's visit is a must, especially if you have not had a meningitis vaccine. See if you can put in a call to a doctor asap, or at least go to the ER.

I hope you are feeling better soon! I had an allergic reaction to antibiotics once and it was so bad I couldn't move at all. The itchiness is horrible!
Shingles is very, very painful. You can get wherever on your body. The face is the absolute worst. If this is not very, very painful than I would say allergic reaction or poison ivy, or oak. Hope you feel better. Keep a close eye on spreading and your fever.
Thank you all for your concern. I had taken benadryl about an hour prior to posting this. It's not as red but it's still got fever, swollen and itchy/stinging. It's still spreading to the other side of my face and across my forehead. My left ear [the side where it's the worst] is swollen and red and itchy too, now.
We here, the people of Backyard chickens, are not doctors (well, there could be some among us), but in general cannot give you adequate medical advice about your current condition. Furthermore, must doctors will not attempt to make a diagnosis over the internet. Rather, they will refer you to go see a doctor in person so you can be examined and tests can be conducted.

With a rash accompanied by a fever, I would go see a doctor. You should find out what caused this so hopefully it can be avoided in the future.
Not'd feel like little imps with pitchforks are stabbing you anywhere there's a nerve.
Does anyone around you have measles?
I've had fifth's disease too. Get thee to a DR. PDQ!

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