So mad at my brother...


14 Years
Mar 30, 2008
My brother lives in another state, and has two cats that are strictly indoor cats. He does volunteer work at an animal shelter and has other friends with cats. He was talking to our mother, and asked her to ask me what would be a good product for fleas since his cats somehow ended up with them. I sent him an email (don't know why he talked to mom instead of just sending me an email), I told him that his best bet would be something like Frontline. I told him not to just pick something up at the grocery store or pet store, especially stuff made by a certain well known company that has a place on line with a lot of horror stories about pets that got sick and/or died after this product was used. I told him to look it up and read.

Last night he told mom that he bought stuff made by the other well known company, I don't know which formula he got but a quick search on line shows that a lot of this companies products contain pyrethroids which are toxic to cats. I have no idea why they would sell a cat flea med that can kill the cat! I really don't know why I try... I don't think he did any of the research that I told him he should do.

They put one cat on it's favorite window seat and it immediately jumped down. Tried with the other cat, same thing then it turned and glared at them. Apparently that was a really strange reaction for the cats. His GF said they probably took off because the seat has fleas on it, I worry that they could be having a reaction to the stuff he put on them. I read that Pyrethroids get stronger when exposed to sunlight, maybe sunlight makes it burn their skin? Now I'll worry about his cats...
I hope his cats are ok! Its a funny thing with siblings, you can want the best in the world for them, but it is still their right to choose. I have sisters and my husband has a sister and a brother. One would think because we were raised in the same house with the same rules we would think alike, but we don't. God made us individuals, with our own minds. Hopefully his cats won't suffer for his decision, but if they do try not to do the "I told you so" sick cats would be punishment enough! Family is a great gift, I may not like my families choices
, but I support and encourage them, and offer advise when asked, but sometimes you just want to shake'em.
Ha, I hope all works out for the best!!
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If his cats get sick, the vet bill will more than make up for any money saved getting this stuff... I only gave advice because he asked for it, and I didn't tell him to just do what I say. I told him to read up on it. If it was something for his car, he would read for hours. One of these cats is his 8 year old daughters 'baby'. And he is a cat lover too, so I really don't understand. When he told mom what he used, she was really upset. He promised her that he wouldn't use any more of this stuff, at least.

I wish I lived closer, I would go over there and smack him.

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