So mad I could spit bullets (loose dog AGAIN) - Letter rejected

Good Goddess, Judy!!!
I don't blame you for being madder than a wet hen...

Everytime I heard stuff like this I get more and more po'd...
At the very least, BJ and Ellie weren't hurt, but goshdarnit, you're right, they should get to be able to enjoy their yard without you having to stand over them like Boss Hogg and a chaingang...

I live in a suburb of Boston and I CAN shoot a dog that's in my yard after my birds. The ACO has told me so...

It's not my dog's fault goes by the wayside when there's a body in my yard...

I agree with Jody. I wish I had some $$ to lend you so that you could get the other ijits to fix your property that they wrecked...
I am now known as THAT WOMAN THAT HATES DOGS in my neighborhood. I don't hate dogs, I love dogs, I actually have 3 dogs at my house. But, the neighbors don't know that because they STAY on my property.

My rules about neighbor's dogs....

1) inform the neighbor that their dog has been at my place

2) tell them I won't inform them again after the second trip to my house

3) call the dog warden and have him go explain the laws to the neighbors

4) call the dog warden and inform him the dog is back again, the dog warden provides a free ride to the animal shelter

Those are the rules for dogs that don't bother anything.....

Dogs that tear up anything, bother my animals or cause any other ruckus get a free trip to the pound with the animal warden.
Kung Foo
I like the already mentioned " Remind them they are public servants." Its thier job to protect you from the vicious animals. Hence the name Animal Control. When they give you that line again ask em "Is this Animal Control? When they say "Yes" say "I thought so.",and start from the beginning again as many times necessary til they get it.

Thank you thank you, all. I am really sorry for those of you also having had similar troubles. The number of dog incidents in the land is likely staggering, with reportings on BYC probably just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

(Ironically, the Ditz's dogs are just part of my trouble - another neighbors 2 pit bull-like dogs barreled into the yard in December and one nearly killed Ellie - the poor dear was simply standing at her run door - I had opened the run door to let them nibble on some grass still alive just outside the run...and 2 minutes later, bam! Surgery and several weeks of round the clock nursing and she's now okay. In the spirit of us needing to educate humans about behaving more responsibly re: their pet predators, I did bill them and they did pay the bill. As we know this doesn't begin to compensate for time off work and most importantly, the pain and suffering our much loved feather-kids endure. Prior attacks in years past at another location were all costs absorbed by me because I didn't find the dog's people. Mercifully, my birds always recovered but it took boatloads of money and round the clock care).

Mr. Ditz did not show up, at least not while I was home.
Jody, you are right - a letter is important and that is exactly what I will do. Thank you ever so much for providing a template to help me get it moving that much faster.

As if the dogs weren't enough, now a Cooper's hawk has a fix on them. I've been lecturing the hawk, for all the good it will do! So BJ and Ellie have been in lockdown a lot. Ellie is a piece of work - she wants her freedom and screams for it! Which makes BJ crow! (he is normally pretty quiet - I'm trying to keep him "under wraps" in a residential neighborhood). He has learned to crow when he needs me and he needed me to come shut her up! She is just so excited to get out of the run and find worms and such, that she cannot contain herself. She paces and jumps up and down when she sees me coming toward their run, filled with anticipation about being free - so filled with life, like Annie before her (RIP). I guess I'll be out standing over them a lot while also trying to somehow fit work in!

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Would it be possible to make them a dog proof chicken tractor?
That would keep the hawk off of them too..Not as good as being able to chase the flying/jumping bugs..But they would still be able to scratch around in new spots for the crawling ones
I had a neighbor dog get into my yard and kill 2 of my hens. I went to him and told him this had to stop. I informed him that I had a live trap set in my yard. If his dog ended up in the trap I would return it a single time. If it happened again the dog would be taken to animal control and reported as a vicious animal (a $500 fine in my area).

The next night the dog was in my trap. The neighbor came over to claim it extremely apologetic. Tried to get all passive aggressive on me saying how he feels that dogs should be able to run free (this guy is a sheriff deputy to btw). I just looked at him and said, next time the dog goes.

I have not seen it back in my yard again.
a word from a teen in school lol

If it were me and anything whatsoever was bothering my birds it would be shot no questions asked.

and just for you information I have a paintball gun for fun and predator control.
I'd be having words with the Sheriff. It's not up to the Deputy to pick and choose which laws he obeys, especially when he is paid to uphold all of them!!

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