So one of our erm... EE's delivered an egg..(updated! 2nd EE egg pic!)


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Petaluma, Ca
that beautiful egg was wonderful green color! I was begining to become concered that was going to be a brown layer but to my relief it wasn't. I honestly believed with my luck that it would have been the same color that my Buff has began to lay. We were over at our neighbors house showing them the first two that the Buff had layed when she layed it. It's such an exciting time in the chickens life to be a chicken owner to see how of their mannerisms begin to change and the whole squating thing when you walk around them an such. It's just incredible!

We went over to my Moms' house today to show her and then over to the craft store. We had bought a basket for collecting and was telling the cashier what it was for. She didn't believe us at first so we went to the car, decided to go back in there and show her the 3 tiny brown eggs from the Buff, next to the one bright green egg from the Ameraucana, next to a hen egg from a RIR, next to a store bought white egg. LOL The look on her face was priceless! She sure as @^$% knew we weren't bluffing at that point and proceded to stop looking at us like we were insane... Starving as we were, you know 'cause we haven't actually eaten any of these eggs just show them off to every single person we encounter, we stopped by an A&W and had to show the kid at the drive thru window who's eyes wouldn't fit back inside of his head when I handed him the credit card and opened up a 6-pack of eggs.. random... He asked if it tasted the same and did I actually dye it, or did the chicken? Hehe it's funny the looks you get when someone has to digest that a chicken lays a green egg. People start wondering if it comes with a free side of ham. And a strange cat to serve it to me... I can't wait to get over it and come back down to Earth but for the time being I feel like a kid. Seriously, if I had known that chickens would have brought me this much pleasure and such a great sence of common well being, I would have been doing this years ago. Our chooks make me happy.
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Seriously, if I had known that chickens would have brought me this much pleasure and such a great sence of common well being, I would have been doing this years ago. My chooks make me happy. smile


farmin'chick :

Seriously, if I had known that chickens would have brought me this much pleasure and such a great sence of common well being, I would have been doing this years ago. My chooks make me happy. smile



Ditto! My son's school does a Dr Seus day and he is already planning on taking a dozen green eggs along with his Green Eggs and Ham book to share with the class.​
I hate to always be the one who bursts someone bubble but I sounds like you have an EE not an Ameraucana. Real Ameraucanas lay blue eggs only. If it is the one in your avatar then she is most defenitly an EE. Congrats though!
what a GREAT blog...i have an aracauna that lays green too!!! and i LOVE the way she and her sister squat down so i can scratch their behinds...tetetethehehe they think i'm their rooster
- i loved this blog, i could have written this myself...chickens are the BEST pets i've ever owned (other than a dog or 2).

Hehe yea no bubbles bursted here.
I felt that they were more so EE'ers due to the term being somewhat overused. When we got into it, a few months ago, we assumed that we got what was advertised and hadn't realized that hardly ever does an actual true Ameraucana come out of the wood works. They are $13 chooks from a craigslist ad. Our runt BR was $10 due to it's runt stature. Not to say that breeders that advertise on craigslist aren't on the level but every other person selling birds on craigslist wants $35 a chook so we went with the cheaper alternative.
I was just happy to get an egg that wasn't brown or white tbh and they are and always have been healthy happy chickens. Thank you none the less, I can change my sig to represent correctly what I have in my flock lol.

You know, I never did add the pic!

The other two are the first two from our Buff.


And this is the lovely lady who has provided our gift!


This was taken yesterday when we realized she had been hangin out in there do the pre lay hangout...

Thank you very much everyone! It's so nice to be able to share with people as enthusiastic as ourselves all of our silly little stories.
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wow...pretty eggs..I have two EE and one gives me a beautiful blue egg and one gives a green egg, sometimes olive and sometimes light green. These two lay more eggs together than the other 5 girls put together.

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