Yep, we have a lawyer friend......he loves challenges.

AND on top of all this, DH just called - he has pneumonia! CAN I LET OUT A SCREAM HERE???!!!!!!
What's next? Uncle, uncle, uncle UNCLE!!!
Bella Luna-

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Just remember you have the support of tons of people here. Try not to get to overwhelmed. We would all carry a piece of this burden if we could.
Damummis & vnp - thanks for the extra hugs. Every time I turn around someone has cancer........yikes. I was worried that DH had lung cancer, I was starting to think the worst from his X-rays............but it turned out to be pneumonia, I was relieved, but still...............that's not so good either.
Just one more blip in the road. I had to switch doctors in the middle of my treatment too and I know how frustrating and scarey it is. The hospital I work for decided to "self-insure" right in the middle of my treatments. So I started with Mercy (Catholic Health Care West) for my chemo.. got switched to UC Davis health Care for my surgeries and then wound up with Sutter for my Radiation Treatments...

It is frustrating and you feel like you don't have any control at exactly a moment when you are feeling like you need some control over SOMETHING. Try to calm down and realize you have a couple of weeks to get this straightened out and if it doesn't you have to beleive there is a GOOD reason for it. Get your lawyer friend to write a quick letter to let them know you are not intimitated and that time is of the essence. And in the mean time, start going up the chain of command at the insurance. If you weren't properly notified, then they can't change.

You have tons (yep.. I weigh close to a ton LOL) of people on here praying for you all over the country. You are not battling this alone.
Luna, you hang in there, woman! I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're a strong woman! I just KNOW you'll make it through this!

I had a vaginal hysterectomy when I was 25 years old, and I'm now 56 years old. It was for endometriosis. Although the surgery wasn't a "snap" it was actually less distressful than the tubal coagulation surgery I had when I was 22 years old. (I knew at that age I COULD NOT be a good mother.) The recovery was four weeks, and really just for work, lifting, and ummmmm "marital relations." I felt great after a week! No abdominal muscles were cut. I never, ever regretted having the surgery. It solved SO many problems - not the least of which was not having to buy any more "paper products" for feminine hygiene needs. Nor bleaching panties in the sink!

When I was 49, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had surgery, aggressive chemotherapy, and radiation treatment. I have been cancer-free for 7 years, going on 8, now. The surgery wasn't as awful as was the chemotherapy.

I posted this without reading every single page of posts, and will now go back to read the rest. You DEFINITELY are not battling this alone!
I just found your thread, Lunachick. I have no advice but I wanted to offer my prayers and support.

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