Luna!! Lots and lots of
! I am sorry for not posting sooner. I haven't been around much and when I am, I seem to hide in the Hobbies section. lol. Anyway, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
The sheer bureaucracy of life these days can be very draining - totally hear you on this Ginny. Seems all I do anymore is deal with one glitch after another - consuming and disspiriting. I hope this gets resolved for you soon so your energy can be for healing and also for lots of fun stuff in your future. Hugs, JJ

You can kick it's @ss!

Knowledge is power. Ask questions and if you aren't satisfied with the answers ask again. It does sound like you have a good and compassionate doctor.
Luna, I'd speak to a lawyer about that one. It is not right for them to be able to toy with you in the middle of something like this! Give 'em heck!!!!

I am praying for you and if you need a friend to talk to, I'm here
Luna- I just found this thread.

My mom was Dx with uterine cancer yesterday.
We don't know what stage it is. She is waiting for a call from the oncologist for her surgery date.

I wish you the best.
I will be following your thread.
OK! I got things settled for now!

First, thank you all, I really, really appreciate all of your support, I can't say that enough.
to you all. This place is amazing, I'm a very private person and stick close to home with just my DH and a few close relatives. So I feel so comforted when I can come on here and have you peeps reach out to me. I'll stop now, cause I might just cry.

When I made that appt with the one doc, they took my ins info and set up an appt for April 12, and I thought I was all set. What they DIDN'T tell me was that they aren't under my insurance plan. Why they didn't say so, I don't know. That's why they called later to tell me my ins wasn't going to cover it completely. That's when I got my undies all in a bunch and got upset. Seemed like a waste of everyone's time to me. Anyway, I went on the BC/BS website and checked for physicians that are with my plan and found a female doc, (sorry, I feel better seeing a female doc as it is) only 2 miles from my home and she's seeing me on March 29 ! That's next Monday. So now it's happening faster, and I'll know more sooner. A good thing for sure. Plus, getting this over with sounds more appealing to me.

That's one problem out of the way, and now DH is taking his meds for his pneumonia, and maybe, just maybe we can both just get better and get on with our lives.
So glad that things are getting figured out for you...
And that you'll have a female doctor that you'll be more comfortable with..
Yeah! Me too red. I remember asking my male gyn (a while back) a few questions, and he thought everything I mentioned was absurd.
I was young then and should've just found someone else......but there weren't any female docs then. Thank goodness that's all changed. I hope this doc isn't a total b#@ch, wouldn't that be something?
haha Luna, here's your dose of reality! lol
I'm sorry you had to go through the aggravation with the insurance. But, it sounds like it got you to a more comfortable place to conquer this illness. You better keep posting so I know you are doing okay...if I don't see anything from you I get worried.(insert old woman wagging her finger at you here.)

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