That is good to hear. Good news. Pain is so exhausting. She can focus on er chicks and more pleasant things now.
How is the brooder going? Are you going to buy chicks or hatch them?
We are hatching our own. She is getting excited. We are saving up for the first batch of the season, the trial run....

The family room brooder is done except for some paint on the inside to seal things up. It sits across the room from her recliner so she can watch the chicks.
Just a compliment to Pikes Peak Hospice. They concocted a cream that includes Methadone. Beth applies it to the areas on her skin where there is underlying pain. One application. For the first time in several years, Beth is pain free.

Wonderful to hear........
sneeking in quietly. sometimes I feel guilty about sharing my news when so many have news that make me so sad. So I will whisper.

We were forced to cut my meds back again because of the threat of further damage my heart. After 3 months on the lowest possible dose (started @ 100mg the max dose of this med to eventually down to 20) I had all my big tests done, Echo to test for heart damage progression, blood work, and the quantitative PCR which measures leukemic cell ratio (PCRU is the equivalent of remission) and check for return of cardio and/or pleural effusion.

Long story short. All tests are in. No fluid, maintaining PCRU and not only was there no progression of the heart damage my ejection rate actually improved. And after a rough patch at first, even the neuropathy has improved, both sensory and motor.

Thank you Lord.

Just felt I should share in case there was any one reading this thread that is just beginning their CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) journey.
BTW- on 3-5-14 I will be a 7 year survivor.
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This is your thread chicisoup. We love good news. Shout it out! It is encouragement and helps lifts the spirits of others.
My job here is to be a cheerleader. to try and give encouragement and an emotional shoulder cry on or an arm to be steadied by.
If it would make you feel less awkward, You can join me in the 'ra-ra' stands.
I am glad for your great news! and I am glad you fill us in!
This is your thread chicisoup. We love good news. Shout it out! It is encouragement and helps lifts the spirits of others.
My job here is to be a cheerleader. to try and give encouragement and an emotional shoulder cry on or an arm to be steadied by.
If it would make you feel less awkward, You can join me in the 'ra-ra' stands.
I am glad for your great news! and I am glad you fill us in!

I LOVE being a cheerleader!!! tho this frame is hardly built for "shaking her pompoms"
Cancer has struck our family. My step father died at the end of the year from small cell lung cancer. He passed at home. It was very quick, but it was awful. Towards the end he was so weak but in so much pain he kept crawling out of his hospital bed we had set up in my living room and I would have to pick him up off the floor. Finally I started sleeping on a cot in the living room to ensure he didn't hurt himself. Mean while one of my sisters is struggling with cancer, and my mother has been in and out of the hospital since he died, with repeated bouts of pneumonia. I had always heard how cancer ravages a family but I never realized the emotional, mental, and spiritual toll it takes on people. Not to mention the financial toll. This year has changed us all.
Cancer has struck our family. My step father died at the end of the year from small cell lung cancer. He passed at home. It was very quick, but it was awful. Towards the end he was so weak but in so much pain he kept crawling out of his hospital bed we had set up in my living room and I would have to pick him up off the floor. Finally I started sleeping on a cot in the living room to ensure he didn't hurt himself. Mean while one of my sisters is struggling with cancer, and my mother has been in and out of the hospital since he died, with repeated bouts of pneumonia. I had always heard how cancer ravages a family but I never realized the emotional, mental, and spiritual toll it takes on people. Not to mention the financial toll. This year has changed us all.

Hang in there.
Cancer has struck our family. My step father died at the end of the year from small cell lung cancer. He passed at home. It was very quick, but it was awful. Towards the end he was so weak but in so much pain he kept crawling out of his hospital bed we had set up in my living room and I would have to pick him up off the floor. Finally I started sleeping on a cot in the living room to ensure he didn't hurt himself. Mean while one of my sisters is struggling with cancer, and my mother has been in and out of the hospital since he died, with repeated bouts of pneumonia. I had always heard how cancer ravages a family but I never realized the emotional, mental, and spiritual toll it takes on people. Not to mention the financial toll. This year has changed us all.
you have learned a very hard lesson that so few understand until they too live it.
Cancer IS contagious.
It infects the very soul of not just the one effected but all who love and seek to fight with them, and for them. But, in the end, they can only stand and watch, their own souls and bodies being sapped by the frustration and their own pain.

I am so sorry for you and your family. With your permission may I say a prayer for your sister for quick victory and for your mom to regain her strength and her joy? A little prayer of peace for you as well.

Please come back and let us know how it goes with you and your family. We're here, we care.

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