So very sad...

Thank you all for your kind thoughts!

I just got back home from moving my babies. You all were right. It feels wonderful to have seen how happy they are! So much room and new things to scratch and see. They were very tentative at first...I just sat right down with them and watched.

The Austrolorps were so very cautious. My Black Barred were the first to venture outside of the group. I let them explore their new home and after awhile offered them grapes. That got them all out of their shell (so to speak). I made sure they all knew where the water and food was and did a last check that all was safe for them...and left.

I am sad, but they were ready to be in a larger space outdoors. I will be working harder than ever to find a property with some acreage. I have had my eye out for some time, but nothing is excactly what we want (that won't be too expensive)! I want to move out of our neighborhood. If it is allowed, I am going to try and keep a few at home. One good thing is I still have 7 two week old Cochins at home. They will be moving into the other larger area in my garage.

Thanks for being there to "listen"

Just make sure you spend time with them each day when you go to check on them...they will love mama anyway.

Good luck finding new digs...we are doing the same thing. We move at the end of July. Yay!

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