So what did you cook today?

Hubby cooked brunch and it was goood!!!

small venison tenderloins, eggs, homemade salsa, some of our mozarrella cheese

Made for super duper brunch tortillas.....

I had an afternoon snack o soup & toast and
likely a really late dinner......

Hope you are all having a blessed day!
My water is back on. Today I cooked nothing, went out and got a tree (finally). But last night I made cranberry porkchops and baked potatoes, with some steamed veggies. Work tonight though so its FFYS night.
I have a roast in the slow cooker for dinner tonight.
Just took some muffins out the oven and ate one while it was still steaming hot!
I got out a container of turkey broth I made after Thanksgiving and will use it to make chicken and rice soup. To make it interesting, I will use the spanish rice left over for the other night.

We made Baked Spaghetti and a fresh Lettuce Salad with homecanned pepper rings and tomolives, tomato, craisins and parmesan poppyseed dressing.

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