So, what is your job?

The lady who posted above you needs to come visit.
Cool thread! I can vouch for those 'trigger foods'. I found mine & lost 15 lbs! No more IBS either! :) Life is great!

Ok, I used to work for 2 major banks in Canada, as a teller (got robbed once, exciting!), then behind the lines in operations. Where they hide all he money, lol! Then had my son & stayed home to raise him. Worked retail for a bit & lastly, worked at a large lunch lady operation for local city schools.

Hubby is a V.P. for a major bank here, so I retired early & we moved to 18 acres of country bliss! Now he bankrolls my poultry hobby, lol! :) Awesome!!!
I'm a RN. I have been in Hemodialysis for 11 years. I teach patients how to do dialysis at home. (just a little plug) People who do dialysis at home are healthier, have fewer hospitalizations, live longer and higher rates of kidney transplant. If you need dialysis... do it at HOME!

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