So, what is your job?

Funny this subject turned up – lately, I have been thinking about the folks with which I worked for more than 30 years.
I was in Communications when I was in the Air Force. The technology at that time was ticker tape – chad and chadless. When I got out, I joined IBM as a mailboy. I then moved into warehousing, and from there, onto the manufacturing floor. I became a materials expeditor (80 column punched card era) which turned into a Production Control Analysis, and then onto coordinating engineering changes into manufacturing. After that, I joined the systems support folks where I did some programming, teaching, and general coordination of the company’s different business functions.
Now I am retired – but not really.
I was updating my solar system, when she showed up needing work as an Electrician. After a while, I couldn’t continue to pay her wages; so I asked her to marry me. It turns out she is a licensed contractor, and I have a new profession - GOFER (Go fer this, go fer that, and generally just try to make myself useful).
Neat thread! I'm a software developer, focused on PHP/MySQL (I write web applications)
I love having a wide variety of interests and skills - you don't find too many other "geeks" who have a tan ;) I'm fortunate that my job also has a lot of like minded people who are interested in chickens, gardening, etc. so we always have stuff to talk about.

I am the plant and nursery specialist/buyer for the large orange home improvement store in Northern California . I also raise and show rare breed rabbits. My degree is in agricultural science with a concentration in horticulture and animal science and I started my masters in environmental remediation. I am a costumer and do that couture sewing my ample (!) spare time.
I also do a lot of sign making and was rather bored and wandering around with a type of sign we call a tombstone.
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I am a psychiatrist and work at a beautiful 130 year old state hospital here in NC. I'm in my twelfth year here. Prior to that I homeschooled my two oldest sons while working part time for 8 years at a very old psychiatric nursing home high in the mountains of WV.

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