So, what's your plan for your unexpected cockerels/roosters?


14 Years
Mar 15, 2010
On the MN prairie.
It's that time of year again... The "Help, I got a rooster and now what do I do?" time of year. So, I'm curious - how many people make a plan for extra/ unwanted roosters before hatching out or buying those cute, fuzzy little chicks at the farm supply store? As was stated by another poster not too long ago, (I think it was aart, but don't remember for sure) "This is where romance meets reality" if you do have a plan, what is it? If you don't, why not? When I let a broody hatch I hope for cockerels for my freezer.
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We're actually going through this right now as our favorite hen is actually a rooster. I have a super cool roo already, so that left us with the dilemma of what to do. We are leaning more toward clearing space and building another enclosure to add more birds. I'm good with it. Any future cockerels will be for gumbo, jambalaya, the grill or whatever else I decide to do with them. That is assuming that neither of the ones we have now decide to go all Ramsey Bolton on us, then, yeah...winter (freezer) will come early for them. I will NOT put up with a nasty pants rooster.
My plan is processing for meat. That being said, that was the plan last year too when I discovered our EE cockerel in the brooder batch we were raising - I kept putting it off, and hatched one clutch of five (got three more cockerels for my trouble). Plan was still to process (after all, four would be so much more worth the effort than one) but I ended up in touch with someone who wanted cockerels and sold them instead.
I think that not having a plan - especially when embarking into hatching as I can *almost* understand not thinking about it when one has ordered all pullets, especially the first timer who doesn't see the fine print regarding possible errors in sexing on the hatchery site, etc. - is unrealistic and, in some cases, just plain irresponsible. When/if you opt to set out and create life, you need to do so responsibly.
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That is assuming that neither of the ones we have now decide to go all Ramsey Bolton on us, then, yeah...winter (freezer) will come early for them. I will NOT put up with a nasty pants rooster.

Bonus points for GOT reference
You should add '....for your cockerels/roosters' to the thread title.

Yep, it was's my reality, 13 wo cockerel...yes, quality over quantity:
You should add... 'for your cockerels/roosters... Yep, it was's my reality, 13 wo cockerel...yes, quality over quantity:
Good idea, Aart! Done. PS - when are you grilling the next one? Just need to know early enough so I can start heading that direction to get there in time for supper!
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I always advertise mine, hoping to sell them, but it rarely happens.

Plan B is enchiladas, creamed chicken and tots, farmhouse chicken, etc.
Extra males go in the freezer here. They turn into roasted poblano chili, soup (plain old noodle, white and wild rice, roasted corn chowder), enchiladas, pulled BBQ chicken, and stock. Most are butchered too late for the grill. Anyone tried smoking an older bird (6 months)? I really need a smoker.

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