Soap Makers Help!

I was reading a book that said that sweet woodruff leaves a smell life fresh mowed hay with vanilla hints... I thought that might be a nice scent for a guy... OR if you added a hint of floral (maybe 'wild' rose) then it'd be a Country Girl kind of scent?? Not that I have a clue where to get woodruff, but it stuck in my head. Anyone actually tried it?
Hi! I wish I had answers to the questions, but I am a novice myself.
My soap has all been made from fresh raw (frozen) goat milk from a certified and inspected 'raw milk dairy' (Thank You Debi, for sharing your goat milk).
My first attempt was just GM with Mica color
16 oz Lard
10 oz Olive Oil
4 oz Coconut Oil
11.4 oz Goat Milk
4.129 oz Lye

--- I was soo nervous about what the lye and goatmilk would DO and what the reaction time was after mixing lye-mix wth the oils was going to be, that I forgot to add the essential oil I had measured out prior.
The second batch, I scented with 'Ocean Rain' and since it went so well I call
those bars 'Smooth Sailing'.

All my soaps have been more of the same proportions of Lard, Olive, Coconut oils (I poured a 90 batch lash night and unmolded this morning).
Question is...
I added some Vitamin E oil to some trimmings I melted and molded. It is NICE.

The batch last night, I
added a TBS honey, a TBS Vitamin E oil, and a TBS ground oatmeal / per pound of oil /
scented with 2 parts of ylangylang to 1 part lemongrass oil.
I've never read/heard of anyone adding Vit E oil to handcrafted soaps --- so is there some bad thing.
Today, the ylangylang, lemongrass, honey soap smells just like tea with honey and lemon to me.
(I don't know what ylangylang is supposed to smell like).
But about the added E oil, it makes a soap I personally would use, but what do you think?

Hi! This was the goatmilk, oatflour and honey just poured:


Fresh out of the mold and cut into bars,
and what a change in color:

Was it the honey that turned the red mica into that lovely orange? (I was hoping for pink-ish and cream but I'm going to pretend I wanted it to be that color)

This is just goatmilk and oat flour:


This was a remelt of trimmings from the very first batch with vit E oil added (mauve soap?):


and another remelt I poured in this silly zoo-animals mold (added whole oatmeal and it is rough / scratchy, but smells good and lemon-lemongrassy):


I just realized today, I have over 50 bars of soap all under 4 weeks-old!

Cool pics, Dipsy Doodle Doo.
I made some oatmeal soap that looks somewhat like yours but I didn't have the cute molds. My sons and husband LOVE that scratchiness to it and want me to make more of that kind. Yours is much cuter though.
My first thought wasn't honeycomb (that was second) but bubble wrap... no way I could make soap using that as the kids LOVE the stuff and would pop every bubble in sight before I could get anything poured.
Well, assuming that me and B didn't get to it first.
Hi! Hahaha, I have to squint and think honeycomb --- otherwise all I see is 'it came from a bubblewrap lined mold'. I DO love the way the bars are looking except maybe the color on the 'mauve remelt'. There was enough of that to pour those 3 bars and a Pringles can-full. The Pringles can, I unmolded and freehand cut into a heart-shaped column. I put the mauve heart column in another can and poured fresh soap around it and cut into 5 beautiful round white bars with mauve hearts. They are GInormous, and pretty if you can get beyond the 'mauve soap' in the middle.

My Hubby likes the soap with the whole oatmeal, too. There was a big 'blob' of that (besides the animals-mold) and he's been using it.

OH! About popping bubblewrap... I keep a couple hundred-foot rolls on hand for wrapping eggs.
Last summer, my 2 neices unrolled some 50 feet in the livingroom floor while everyone else was outside --- and used it as a dance floor! We have a new rule "If you pop Aunt Lisa's bubblewrap, she gets to thunk your head for every bubble you pop."
I really like BB's Sensuous Sandalwood, even more in the soap than OOB. I colored the base with a bit of French Red Clay, then did a swirl with some of the soap colored with cocoa powder. This is how it came out:


It has darkened a little bit as it cured but I don't have a picture of it to show you. It makes an awesome shaving soap!

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