Soap Makers Help!

Ok....first picture is trace.

Just poured into molds...left Oatmeal, Milk and Honey has titanium dioxide and right has it is slightly darker.

First whisking....I actually do this 3 or 4 times in 20 minute intervals to prevent gelling.

2 cured loaves 24 hours in....Goatsmilk Lavender and Goatsmilk Clean Cotton
Most of my soap comes out with different colors depending on the kind of goat milk that you use. I have some that I just made that is real light and some that is darker.

I also put oatmeal in my soap to give it a texture to help cleanse a little better. I also put coffee grounds in mine, but it is better used as a hand soap.
I use Susan Cavitch's recipe and add the milk to the lye right before incorporating it into the oils. YOU can add the milk at trace too...some do this also...but you run the risk of seizing.

I use water soluable titanium dioxide (a natural sunscreen and whitener in baking and chocolate) to make my olive oil soaps whiter. Of course the coconut and palm oils are yellowish/white...but I desired a very white bar of soap and the titanium dioxide provided me with that. You must agitate it a lot in the lye to get it to dissolve better.

Time to whisk....

I have just finished making lye soap with coffee grounds, regular, and rose scent, but the rose did not come out like I wanted it to.

Also, I do caning and freezing of produce. we also have chickens.
I use oatmeal also...I puree it in the blender until it is a flour (this is called colloidal oatmeal)

MY DH prefers the soap you made BYBuddies...NOT white!! We argue every time I make oatmeal, milk and honey about the color!
I give in and make one of each!
I use the coffee grounds in soaps for scrubbing feet. The grounds really do a good job of buffing rough skin nice and smooth.

I have to agree the soap color with goat milk will greatly change with the goats.

I have done some batches same day, exact same ingredients but milk was from my goats and the second was milk from a friends goats, fresh milked that morning. The milk from her goats turned the soap almost red, like red clay, while mine was buttery.

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