I know soft shell eggs can be normal with new layers but for how long can I expect them? I have 16 chickens (11 are 22 weeks, 5 are 20 weeks and not laying yet). I got my first egg August 14th and put oyster shell in free choice at that time. Switched to 16% layer feed almost a week later by mixing in with the starter I had left. Treats include occasional little bit of garden scraps or weeds or a small handful of meal worms or scratch (probably a cup total for all 16) daily.
Now I’m getting as many as 7 eggs a day. But for the past 8 days I’ve had one soft shell egg every day but one (and 2 one day). Always appear to be layed while roosting and fall to the poop board below the roost. Same spot daily. On the evening I got two soft eggs in the morning I watched a bird lay a soft shell egg in the run.
All look healthy. Feet good. Don’t see mites or anything.
All my other eggs are perfect. Getting bigger. Do I have a slow developing hen? Something wrong? How long to expect this? Are there ever birds that do this forever? Or typical for new layer to lay weeks of soft eggs?
The 22 week olds who are laying are black sex link, Rhode Island reds, silver laced Wyandotte and one Speckled Sussex (who I don’t think is laying yet).
Now I’m getting as many as 7 eggs a day. But for the past 8 days I’ve had one soft shell egg every day but one (and 2 one day). Always appear to be layed while roosting and fall to the poop board below the roost. Same spot daily. On the evening I got two soft eggs in the morning I watched a bird lay a soft shell egg in the run.
All look healthy. Feet good. Don’t see mites or anything.
All my other eggs are perfect. Getting bigger. Do I have a slow developing hen? Something wrong? How long to expect this? Are there ever birds that do this forever? Or typical for new layer to lay weeks of soft eggs?
The 22 week olds who are laying are black sex link, Rhode Island reds, silver laced Wyandotte and one Speckled Sussex (who I don’t think is laying yet).