Soft Eggs?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 27, 2014
Fist time chicken owner here, and its been a long road but two of my four girls have finally started laying. One started this past Tuesday, and the other the day after. My first chicken seems to have no issues with her eggs, she lays them around 8:00 every morning and they come out flawlessly so far, today was only her third egg. I actually know the exact chicken who laid my first egg. My other hen however (I do not know which one) laid her second egg today, but when I went to collect it, all I found was an empty transparent shell. This couldn't possible be an issue of calcium because I have been giving them the recommended amount of oyster shells, so I am baffled as to why this could happen. Does anyone have and explanation or some tips? Is this something I should be worried about?

Also another thing that worries me is that I found the deformed shell empty, which makes me think she ate its contents. This leads me to worry she might start eating her eggs sense she may have gotten a taste! Any advice here?
It is not at all unusual for new layers to pass a few wonky eggs - including shell-less/soft, empty membranes, etc. It takes a few tries for the system to get the hang of the whole production thing. I would just be patient and keep an eye on her to be sure that she doesn't develop an egg eating habit, but would not be overly concerned about it based on this one incident.
Ol Grey Mare is the right person to listen and learn from (loved your answer)
... patience is the essence of nature
... all good things will happen from this experience and you too will be able to pass along the knowledge from another experience of raising and having chickens ...

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