Soft shells


5 Years
Sep 12, 2014

I'm new to having chickens this is my first year. I have been getting eggs for a few weeks but the last two days my eggs have had soft shells that break when you pick them up. I have a dish of oyster shell next to there food. Is there something wrong with my chickens? Need help
I'm new to having chickens this is my first year. I have been getting eggs for a few weeks but the last two days my eggs have had soft shells that break when you pick them up. I have a dish of oyster shell next to there food. Is there something wrong with my chickens? Need help
If they are new layers just getting started this is not uncommon at all. I've had a few soft-shell eggs, too. At first I panicked, then realized it's just their little egg-producing systems getting into gear. It's been 2 months since mine started laying and I haven't had a soft-shell since.

Just make sure there is a feeder with oyster shell in it at all times. They will consume what they need on their own.
You might also give them hard-boiled eggs, shell and all, crushed up real fine...they go beserk for them! I hard-boil 2 eggs for my 4 girls just to give you an idea....lots of extra protein for them!! I do this about every 3-4 days.
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