Soil Treatment after worming is it necessary ???


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2018
Springfield, Illinois
I recently wormed my hens as you all described in the blog on worming. I used Safeguard in the water. Finishing up on second round and waiting 2 weeks. The question is do I need to do anything about the soil?? The vet I took my hen to for diagnosis mainly or possibly only saw exotic birds. But she said 3 feet of soil in pen needed to be removed and replaced with top soil? I'm not sure that is even possible here, would be costly and areas around pens are clustered together. I till the pens 2 or more times a year and apply lime to soil off and on. I've never seen any posts about soil. What do you all say?
3 feet in my area would be impossible, Georgia Clay ! And that would extend beneath my coop/run foundation. In addition, top soil we have bought for other areas in the past had glass/trash in it.

IMO - I would just add some new dirt on top of the old.
I don't do anything to my soil other than normal cleaning and maintenance of the area. If you free range it's simply not possible to do anything about the soil. And if not, it still would be a major undertaking, expensive, and not sure of effectiveness overall. New soil could come in with new parasites or coccidia, wild birds or new birds can bring them back in. Pasture rotation can help when possible, though many don't have enough space for that. I think it's best to just be as sanitary as you can, don't allow droppings to build up, and to monitor your birds and worm when necessary. I do refresh their dust bath areas periodically and mix in wood ash, and my covered run uses deep litter method and I add material as needed and clean it out completely about once a year.

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