SOLD! 3 doz. eggs- Welsummers, Marans,others $30. shipping included.

Awww I want some!! Too bad I dont have my darn bator yet..grrrrr. I really want some of those choc eggs
I keep checking back to see if someone has taken these eggs yet!!
I would take the whole batch PLUS the quail eggs just as the package is listed.... but I KNOW my hubby would KILL ME. I have swarn off shipped eggs BUT I can't help myself I want those eggs. BBBBAADD

I must balance the check book and see if I can sneek the money out ........shhhhh you didn't hear that!!

Eggs I must have more eggs......I think I need to go to a meeting or something.......maybe Ambien, I'll go to sleep and when I wake up some one will have bought the eggs and I will be out of luck.


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