SOLD! 3 doz. eggs- Welsummers, Marans,others $30. shipping included.

I probably should send them to Maryland. I just realized I won't be home this Saturday so you can guess who will be checking the mail that day!
AussieSharon... Save yourself girl and your marriage... Send those eggs to Maryland! I promise to keep them safe from the wayward eyes of your hubby! I will keep your secret! I promise not to put those darling orbs in my incubator! Send them to Maryland! Are you hearing the voices in Virginia?
My hubby got the eggs from the Mail Man today since I was at the Farmville Swap. Thank you so much, they are huge lovely eggs.
End results

4 quail
6 Buff Orpington
4 Welsummers
2 Cuckoo Marans

5 eggs broke in shipping. Several were clear and 5 never pipped. Overall a good result for shipped eggs.

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