Soldier fly larva?

an infested bag usually gets a large percentage of it ruined, they can mold to .. i free roam mine so i can dump it on the burnpile and theyll work on it a few days .. cuts down on the feed for awhile so its not a total loss .. and everytime i get an infested bag i sanitize and clean everything and the area so it doesnt perpetuate to new bags ..
an infested bag usually gets a large percentage of it ruined, they can mold to .. i free roam mine so i can dump it on the burnpile and theyll work on it a few days .. cuts down on the feed for awhile so its not a total loss .. and everytime i get an infested bag i sanitize and clean everything and the area so it doesnt perpetuate to new bags ..

Well that sucks. I just added a ton of new feed to that bin a couple days ago. I'm only seeing the larva in the scratch bag. Still toss everything?

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