Solo baby chick (for now)


Aug 5, 2023
I have a chick that I put in an old incubator to test (ran another incubator with it). I guess it ran a little warm as the baby hatched early out of it. Will be fine in a few days when more hatch from my main incubator (ran it at same time)(using stuffed animal and mirror now)... but as it is now... he wont stop following my wife and I, crawling out of the brooder and I am afraid he will chill himself. I use those stand alone brooders (not a heat lamp). Will he self regulate? I have never had a solo chick. I have also never seen a chick follow my wife like this one does, normally they run and hide from us and go under the brooder(bought tsc chicks).

Is it cause it is imprinting? Do store bought chicks skip imprinting?

Imprinting happens in the first 24 hours or so after hatching.
Thanks, now will it kill itself or go under the heat when it needs too like they normally do? I guess we never had one early enough to imprint.

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